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 Tengai Kuroyakan *Beyond the heavens at black nights*

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PostSubject: Tengai Kuroyakan *Beyond the heavens at black nights*   Tengai Kuroyakan *Beyond the heavens at black nights* I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 18, 2009 7:47 pm

Do your sences decieve you?

:Name: [Tengai Kuroyakan *beyond the heavens at black nights*]

:Command: [Break past the iron bars as heaven's gates wont open up with the broken wings you hold, my fallen angel Tengai Kuroyakan]

:Manifestation: [Tengai's manifestation is of a dark angel which comes in five different forms, one form for each element of the earth (fire, water, earth, lightning, air) every now and then the forms alter. For example when Tengai is manifested his appearence fades from his regular form to a elements form to another over time. His personality changes a bit when altering into a different form. Tengai's manifestation always appears beside Reiko, although when they are engaged in battle Tengai's appearence seemed to become transparent. Tengia is always Manifested for reasons unknown. He gets overly jelous of when Reiko is around other men, however depending on what form he is in he either hides it or drags Reiko away from them. Tengai is what Reiko calls a 'fallen angel of the earth' Each form represents a element however it doesnt mean that Tengai controls/holds that element in anyway. His appearence is merely a illusion that shifts over time in five forms. Reiko and Tengia have a unbreakable bond and it is said that the two have one of the best shinigami-to-zanpakuto relationships *click spoilers for more info on each form*]


:Family: [Shadows/Illusions]

:Level: [Bankai]

:Sealed zampaktou: [Tengai's blade shines to the point its almost blinding when unsheathed. The handle is easily gripped by Reiko's hand, however if another being attempts to grasp upon Tengai's handle the zanpakuto will slip from that being's hands. Tengai's sealed blade mesures up to 95 inches long, and the handle is 24 inches long. Tengai's sheath is dark blue in color like the night sky, upon the sheath are dark bands at the top which serve as a place to grip upon as the sleek sheath tends to slip from the hand as well. The gold details upon the handle and hilt of the zanpakuto shine so bright to the point that their glowing, these details however fade to other colors as Tengai's manifestion changes forms through out time. going from gold to red to blue to cyan to violet. Also Reiko can use shunpo at such a high speed a illusion of herself is left behind for a few seconds]

:Shikia: [Her Shikai includes two of these blades linked together by a chain link however the blade appears to be short but its merely a illusion as the blade is achually longer then a normal Katana, but appears to be invisible however the invisibility stays complete only at night, during the day the blade is seem but its merely blurry and transparent, like how hollows appeared blurry to some humans eyes in the begining of the bleach series. If something like blood touches the blade the blood will still remain visible on the blade. Upon the short blade that appears within the illusion of the true blade is a glowing color, like the detailing from the sealed form of the zanpakuto, glowing ever so brightly, the tint yet again fades from gold to blue to red to cyan to violet, depending on the element form Tengai is engaged in at the time. The handles of the blades mesure up to about 6 inches long and the blades that are visibly appearing mesure to be about 9 inches. The full blade's length is normaly about 163 cm long however it appears 9 inches because of the illusion, The invisible part of the blade can change its length, width and shape depending on Reiko's will. In most cases Reiko changes the length of the blade to stab her opponant directly. The fabric atound the handles turn from a dark blue to a deep black as well]

:Shikai ability: [When Tengai's blade cuts a opponant deep enough to make them start some bleeding it sends signals to the brain that induces several signals through the opponants body. Depending on the cut itself and whether or not the cut was inflicted by the visible blde or invisible one will induce different effects to a opponants body.
Small wounds:
Invisible Blade Inficted:Minor wounds souch as scratches and small cuts makes a target feel as if their burning or freezing even though its merely a illusion. Also, their muscles around the area cut feels as if its tensing up and the target has a hard time moving it. *effects last 2 post*.
Visible Blade Inflicted:they will begin to see things around them, things will become blurry, they'll see double vision and the target tends to become dizzy, They also begin to experience to see things,*effects last 2 posts*

Deep wounds
Invisible Blade Inflicted: signals are sent to the brain to tell the nervs within the body to become hyper sensitive, making all the cuts upon the body of the target feel like a limb is being torn off *effects last 3 posts max*
Visible Blade Inflicted: Signals are sent to the fingers, making them feel weak and numb. Making a target feel as if they cant hold onto their blade. Also signals are sent to the brain to the target that make the world around the target seem to be spinning, the target begins to feel insteady and will loose baence quickly *effects last 4 posts max*

Severed limbs/Serious wounds
Invisible Blade Inflicted: signals to the brain make the target loose all sence of Reiatsu detection. In other words they may feel a persons reiatsu someplace when in reality its somewhere else that is if they dont loose complete detection of reiatsu itself. Most likely the dissyness and nausiea will cause the target to pass out.
Visible Blade Inflicted:The target has their sences decieving them. Its almost as if they are traped within their worse nightmare as they experience frightening images, sounds, touches, smells and feelings. Most likely they'll go insane and drop to their knees. their head feels as if their spinning as uneasiness and weakness sets in and they can possibly pass out. *effects last 4 posts max*

Reiko's power seem to increase during the night as all members of the Seitz family have a increased power (increased Shunpo, Reflexes, Weapon Proficincey and a highly increased Kido Production/Strength) on the night of the full moon. *when full moon is out all durations of techs and effects increase by 1 post* *btw if you havent noticed Reiko has a black dot under each eye. These are special markings and because of them no illusion of anykind effects her or bounces back to her. ]

Tech 1: [Mirror Aura] Reiko holds her sword in front of her and the transparent part of the blade, along with the visible part of the blade becomes completely invisible and spreds out around Reiko. This creates a invisible like force feild around her that surrounds her in a 12 meter radius, however if the larger feild is brought down soon Reiko can create a barrier around a part of her example: A invisible shield on her arm. for 1 or 2 posts. this smaller sheild can be created 4 times per usage of this tech. Any attack that hits her while she is in this state is reflected back and hits its user. This technique involves Reiko's concentration. If anyone is within a 12 meter radius of Reiko before she activates this technique then they to will be in the force feild with Reiko. No one can go in or out of the feild until Reiko takes it down. Another effect of being in the feild is a enhancement of ones spiritual pressure inside the feild. A persons aura seems to heighten to some level and lets a persons cells regenerate faster meaning wounds start to heal while inside of the feild and minor wounds are healed completely. This technique is more effective on spiritual attacks rather then physical. This being as spiritual progectiles will reflect right back to its user with twice the speed the projectile was thrown by the user. *duration: 3 posts *for larger feild* *limit: 4 times in battle* *cooldown: 3 posts*

Tech 2: [Shadow Illusion] Reiko is able to create an illusion of a shadow that she is able to hide within, move over great distances quickly and attack unseen. The pace she is able to move in is that of a higher speed then shunpo. When hiden in the shadows all spititual pressure is hiden completely from her enemy, nto a trace is detectable. She is also able to be able to hide others with this move as well, meaning she can protect her comerades by hiding them within these shadows she creates, along with their spiritual pressure. Whether day or night the shadows will appear, since they arent real shadows but insted a illusion. When entering a shadow a person fades into the ground then as soon as the sight is lost of them the users spiritual pressure is completely hiden. Reiko is the only one who can move through the shadows at a speed faster then shunpo, the shadows can also over a vast area and these shadows bend to reiko's will Most of the time Shadow creatures are created and attack to harm the target or form a distraction. these creatures appear for 3 posts maximum if not destroyed and can physicaly harm a target. Reiko can appear out of a shadow that is the size of a string if wished. All shadows created by her dont have to be connected in anyway as there can be bits of shadows in different areas which Reiko can also use almost as a teleporter. *duration: Shadows appear for 4 posts* *limit: 5 times in battle* *cooldown: 5 posts*

Tech 3 [Intimate Illusion] Reiko can make the target see herself along with another person, preferably a woman when fighting male targets and a male when fighting female targets. Reiko then makes the target see a image of herself along with this other person getting more intimate with eachother, this means pulling off clothes, kissing, one being ontop of eacother ect. While the target stares at this illusion that is mainly a scene you would see in some kind of porn film, Reiko then creates a thin shadow which she hides herself in. A shadow similar to the one in her Shadow Illusion ability, which means her spiritual pressure is masked as well making her target unable to sence her location until she moves herself away from the shadows to attack or run. Reiko can also make the illusion be of just herself, however this illusion will look completely innocent and hold no fighting intent at all. This illusion of Reiko feels completely real and is difficut to tell its just a illusion. The illusion of Reiko then begins to kiss, embrace and possably pull the target down on her to become more intimate with eachother while the real Reiko remains within the shadows. Unable to be detected. The purpose of these two illusions Reiko can create is to mainly distract her target while she hides in her shadows to either run or attack. No harm can be given to the illusion because it is well...a illusion so it parrys away from any attack like its nothing. *Duration: 1 illusion can appear for 5 posts maximum before Reiko must come out of her shadows *limit: 3 times per battle* *cooldown:4 posts*

Last edited by Reiko Seitz on Fri Jul 24, 2009 9:02 pm; edited 6 times in total
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Posts : 229
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Join date : 2009-04-26
Age : 29

Tengai Kuroyakan *Beyond the heavens at black nights* Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tengai Kuroyakan *Beyond the heavens at black nights*   Tengai Kuroyakan *Beyond the heavens at black nights* I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 18, 2009 11:13 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Tengai Kuroyakan *Beyond the heavens at black nights*   Tengai Kuroyakan *Beyond the heavens at black nights* I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 28, 2009 7:32 am

i changed the 3rd tech ;D
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PostSubject: Re: Tengai Kuroyakan *Beyond the heavens at black nights*   Tengai Kuroyakan *Beyond the heavens at black nights* I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 28, 2009 11:50 am

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PostSubject: Re: Tengai Kuroyakan *Beyond the heavens at black nights*   Tengai Kuroyakan *Beyond the heavens at black nights* I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 24, 2009 9:05 pm

:Bankai: [Once bankia is issued a low pitched screeching noise is heard. All of Tengia's forms of manifestations form into one creating a dark angel with blue messy styled hair and beautiful black wings with red blue and other colors fading in the stone cold feathers. His wings are beautiful and glowing. His personality is that more of his lightning form. Crazy and arrogent. He seems somewhat insane, wanting to fight, wanting to draw blood, wanting to send all to hell. Tengia is always manifested as stated earlier on]
[Also, Reiko's personality is effected while in Bankia, shes more confidents, blood lusted and some would say slightly insane or monsterous. She thinks herself as beautiful and could careless if her clothes are ripped from battle. She is quite use to having her opponants getting a peak of her as she does wear a skirt as her uniform. Her hair turns to a lighter shade of blonde as well and she keeps a devilously sexy smirk on her face. Her zanpakuto changes, She can make it completely invisible if she wishes. however if she chooses to, she can reveal her zanpakuto. It large and it looks like its almost lined with scales. They appear greenish in color and rounded at the edges when indeed its a mere illusion as there are spikes emmiting from the edges of each scale that are about 7 inches in length however it is impossible to tell for certain by looks alone. When going into Bankia her outfit changes, in other words she appears just like in the picture provided *cick spoiler*]

:Bankai Ability: Reiko can make her zanpakuto turn invisible if desired as stated before. and like in her shikia she can alter the size, length and shape of the blade as desired. Being able to break them up into shards even if she wishes. When bankia is issued a low pitch screeching noise is heard from all around as stated before. Reiko alters the area around her bringing her target, including herself, and anyone nearby to an alter demention where they will remain until her bankia is sealed again. A place that has colors swirling around that looks like the colors of Tengia Kuroyakan's manifestation's wings. All objects that were in the area example: trees rocks ect. still remain in this demention as if nothing has changed but the sky. You cant see objects unless their less then 30 feet away, or else you will see nothing but swirls of color. *click spoiler for the dementions appearence* Kido's strength and proficiency is heightened greatly in Bankia.

Bankia tech

Sense Disruption-When Reiko says "give me my choices" five different kanji's appear before her. These five kanji's are for 'voice' 'sight' 'sound' 'feeling' 'energy' First she picks one of these to elininate from her opponant by placing her hand in the symbol appearing before her and watching it disolve away. Which ever kanji she picks eliminates that pecific thing from her opponant, there is no way to dodge or avoid it as her opponant is brought into the demention she created. However after eliminating a cetain sence from her opponant she has to pick one for herself, meaning she has to fight without using one of her sences. So Reiko and her opponant fight without a certain sence until the tech is over or Reiko cancels it. If their is more then one opponant it wont change a thing. so say if she picks 'sight' all her opponants are blinded while she picks another one to induce to herself.
sight: The person this is inflicted on looses all ability to see, they are surrounded by eternal darkness and becoming blind.
sound: The person this is inficted on looses ability to hear anything, becoming deaf
voice: the person this is inflicted on looses the ability to say anything, making them unable to 'call' things as they have become mute.
feeling: The person this is inflicted on looses their feeling, making it difficult and impossible to even hold a weapon but cuts and other forms of injuries arent able to be felt until the tech is over
energy: The person this is inflicted on looses the ability to use any spiritual energy, meaning they have to fight using nothing more then hand to hand combat or weapon proficency.
*limit: 3 times per battle* *duration: 4 posts* *cooldown: 4 posts*
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PostSubject: Re: Tengai Kuroyakan *Beyond the heavens at black nights*   Tengai Kuroyakan *Beyond the heavens at black nights* I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 24, 2009 10:10 pm

unless said otherwise... approved!
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PostSubject: Re: Tengai Kuroyakan *Beyond the heavens at black nights*   Tengai Kuroyakan *Beyond the heavens at black nights* I_icon_minitime

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