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 Smoke Brake (Open)

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PostSubject: Smoke Brake (Open)   Smoke Brake (Open) I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 27, 2009 7:59 am

It had been a slow day so far at the store front of the Urahara shop, like the day before, and the day before that, and even the day before that, ok so it had been a slow week, and this was starting to drive Shiro mad and seeing it was now his lunch break anyway he had left the store to stand in that shadowed alleyway that ran down the side of the building. The man could always be found in a heavily shaded areas, seeing as humans with white skin and hair tended to not be to fond of sunlight, with a sigh he reached into his jacket pocket, pulling out a crumpled pack of smokes, taking one from the damaged pact and holding it between his lips as he then went for his lighter.

Lighting up he never really too a drag of the white stick, his lighter and pact back safely in his pockets he held the sigeret in his fingers, watching the end burn slightly. It felt strange for him to not have that heavy metal chain around his neck now, not since it was blasted of by a strange woman he met after his beast half took over, what was her name... Fellon. He had told her to come by so that he could thank her, but he had yet to see her, could it be that she had not yet found this place yet? He did only call it ‘The Shop’ so it did not really pinpoint it down in this huge town, leaning up against the wall he took a long drag of the segreate, blowing out the smoke and flicking the ash on the ground beside him.
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PostSubject: Re: Smoke Brake (Open)   Smoke Brake (Open) I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 27, 2009 11:10 am

Soft footsteps could be heard coming from seeming nowhere, but for whose had some form of spiritual awareness, a boy could be seen walking on what looked like air itself, an rather amazing feat for who never witnessed it. Nio had been originally assigned to patrol the Soul Society, and that was what he did, all day. The 'visit' to his old home went off without a hitch, though there were a few close calls, and it was a not a trip he'd be making again. When the next morning came, he escaped into the human world and returned to the building where he lived, free of charge due to his invisibility to normal humans. It was about 5 hours of sitting and thinking on the couch, when Nio thought about getting a Gigai, as he needed a better mean of disguise to hide from the other Shinigami.

With that thought in mind, he changed into his casually clothes, a black and brown striped long-sleeved shirt that exposed his bare shoulders, accompanied with tan pants and dress shoes, and headed out. The place he was heading for was somewhere he passed by many times, but never felt a need go there. It was the one and only, Urahara Shoten; and Nio decided to take the scenic route in the air, looking down at everything from a bird's eye view. Once he spotted the place, the spirit particles used to suspend him faded, causing a rather jolting sensation in his legs upon the landing. Rubbing them, he looked around for someone who might work here.
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PostSubject: Re: Smoke Brake (Open)   Smoke Brake (Open) I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 28, 2009 4:25 am

' "The Shop" eh? Mighta worked better if he'd given the actual name...unless that IS the name but it didn't seem to be in the directory..unless its not in the directory? Would be quite a bit easier though perhaps they don't always deal to the normal type of clientele?' Fallon could only hypothesize as she walked along the vastly open sidewalk. was one thing to have one robotic dinosaur walking alongside you, quite another to have one walking alongside you, and a smaller version gliding above you a few feet. If she thought she'd had distance before, she was amazed at the lengths people would go to get away from the rare and abnormal. One guy had nearly been hit by a taxi and a bus racing across the street.

'McDonalds, Burger King, BBQ equipment store, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, shoes, clothes, a bookstore! I'll remember that one later," Fallon looked away as she was having her retinas burned away by the bright and gawdy bits of fabric sown together in the windows. Then something caught her attention, or rather, Pakse's above her. Some energy signatures were coming from a direction a few streets down in the more obscure area of shopping and they took a turn as soon as they could. It wasn't long until she found the store front of an out of place shop.

Rather than reading the shop's name, her eyes honed in on the bright, light man to the side of the building currently holding a cigarette...ew, not her taste, though he did look cool with it. Certainly did recognize him though without the fur at least and a hint of a smile broke out on her face, "I found 'The Shop'!" The smile grew a bit more, nearing towards a grin, though she was still exhausted after waking up on the lab floor after making Paksennarion's new body.
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PostSubject: Re: Smoke Brake (Open)   Smoke Brake (Open) I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 28, 2009 6:50 am

The albino sighed to himself when he felt the presidents of a Shinigami show up, he was use to this by now, but why did he have to show up when he was on his brake, never mind that he did not want to get in trouble with the boss for slacking when there was stuff to take care of, ripping off the burning end of the cigarette, leaving the rest of it for later. Stepping out from the shaded area he started to approached Nio, but it was the woman with the crimson coloured dino walking long side her that ended up grabbing his attention more than the male that appeared the moment before her. a shy smile creped on his lips as he rubbed the back of his neck, “Ya sorry about that, I guess I should of told you the name, seeing as its kinda out of the way, well come on in both of you lets get out of this damn sunlight.”

Shiro calmly slid the door over to allow everyone entry to said shop, when inside the store front looked not to different to any other small shop, drinks, foods and other trinkets where on show all around them, totally normal if you did not count that it was all ‘Urahara own brand’. Shiro put the cigarette half into the pocket on his black jeans before sliding of his black and red jacket, showing the black vest he had on underneath, yes he loved the colour black. Slipping the jacket behind the counter before he turned to face the two, “What can I help you two with?” he asked, he was guessing what the Shinigami was here for, and Fallon.

His hand went to scratch his neck, part of him was still expecting his fingers to meet with that chain that Fallon had removed.
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PostSubject: Re: Smoke Brake (Open)   Smoke Brake (Open) I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 28, 2009 10:17 am

Nio stood there for a while, looking remotely similar to a statue if not for the fact he was breathing quietly. There looked to be no one there, and he was considering just leaving, maybe he could cook something up like this crown and go with that. The thought process hit a dead end as he spotted a rather peculiar sight coming this way. A woman, with two robotic dinosaurs it seemed, were walking to the Shoten, and apparently had better sight than him, as she managed to spot another person in the shade, smoking. Brushing a strand of hair from his eye, he watched silently as the man slid the door open to let them inside, away from the light.

He stepped in after the person reached the counter, glancing around at the wares and saw that it looked like a normal store, pretty surprising considering the customers that were coming in.
Attention snapped back to the one behind the counter and heard him speak. “What can I help you two with?” Words passed by his lips without him even realizing it.

"I was wondering if you had anything that could help a rouge."

It was the truth, he just didn't want to say it, least prying ears catch his words.
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PostSubject: Re: Smoke Brake (Open)   Smoke Brake (Open) I_icon_minitimeMon Jun 29, 2009 2:03 am

Before following the storekeeper inside she waved her hand and the wine red robotic dinosaur of the duo took the hint, moving towards the alleyway the albino man, Shiro, she recalled him saying before, and took to the darkness there. Best not to leave him laying about for all to see like some calling card. The one that was flying, however, landed, and toddled on in after her. Mentally Fallon had told Pakse to come with as she didn't like the thought of leaving her outside as much, not yet.

'Just what kind of clientele are they trying to cater to?' she asked herself as she stared at the strange "Urahara" brand products. The only reply she received was a smart ass one from Ambiance outside and she rolled her eyes with a half-smile. However the word "rogue" didn't quite sit well with Fallon and she let her gaze fall lazily onto the other fellow in the shop. Certainly not human...or not anymore...according to Pakse and Ambiance he was of the shinigami persuasion - at least. But he wasn't causing a ruckus for the moment so she'd let it slide and hope his reason was a good one rather than some search for power or gods knows what people were after these days. Power was the cliche thing in cartoons right now, right? Or movies and things?

A thought occurred to her as she looked through the products, unsure which of the two would be best for her, or which they might have in stock. "Well, if you have something that bolsters energy that'd be mighty appreciated. Be it just human energy or a more spiritual force. Bit tired after one project and should be starting a second soon enough," Pakse looked up at Fallon, knowing through their mental link exactly why she needed the energy and quirked her head as though in apology.
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PostSubject: Re: Smoke Brake (Open)   Smoke Brake (Open) I_icon_minitimeMon Jun 29, 2009 3:42 pm

Shiro looked over Nio for a moment, normally when someone would be asked to help an outlaw they would ask stuff they knew that they should not, but this was the Urahara Shoten, not your everyday shop. “Sure just give me a moment and see what Gigais we have.” he said before he slipped into the stockroom, shelves stacked with boxes marked up as ‘Soul candy’ and other stuff that would not make any since to a normal human. Three skinless body where handing up at the back like some strange slaughterhouse, they where all the same shape and size, one size fits all product, draping one over his back and wrapping its arms around his neck he dragged it out to the front, but not before picking up a clipboard.

“This one should do,” the human said easily moving the large lump of flake flesh back to the front, “sign here and its all yours.” He said handing the clip board over to Nio whilst he set the Gigai down beside him. His attention the turned to Fallon and the black dino? He had not noticed that outside, it was totally different from the crimson one that was also with her, he guessed that it was outside as he could not see it about the shop, “hmm excuse me for a moment,” he said with a wink to Nio before he calmly wondered over to Fallon. She was looking over the energy drinks, he walked up behind the human leaning forwards slightly as he looked over the drinks in front of her, “well most will do both, expect for them,” he said pointing to a group of bottles on the lower shelves, “they are just normal drinks, but we got these soft drinks that.... let’s just say you won’t find them in any other shop, or you have the Urahara shot that the boss man made himself, I never tried it myself but all of his stuff works wonders.”

He glanced behind him quickly to look at both Nio and the black robot dinosaur, more worried about the unknown techno beast then the Shinigami.

(check out the list here for items with effects )
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PostSubject: Re: Smoke Brake (Open)   Smoke Brake (Open) I_icon_minitimeMon Jun 29, 2009 7:03 pm

OOC: (Kinda lazy now so this'll be short.)

Waiting there silently, Nio rubbed his shoulders, perhaps it wasn't the smartest idea to go with such an outfit, but there was nothing else to do about it. Once he was given the clipboard and skinless body, it was quickly signed and Nio set the board back down before hefting the Gigai over his shoulder, strolling out of the shop. Once outside, Nio vanishes, not with a shunpo, or anything else.

------> Exit.
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PostSubject: Re: Smoke Brake (Open)   Smoke Brake (Open) I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 30, 2009 4:03 am

The body looked so bizarre when Shiro brought it out for the shinigami and Fallon winced at it. Strange bit of technology, and not one she was willing to touch. At least not yet, later could be something interesting to check into with its main function and how it works. It was also a reminder to a job she'd be soon taking up within the abnormal parts of the human race. Not like they could explain some injuries so easily to normal doctors unless they were quincies or something, but she wasn't aware if they had doctors or not. Gods, her work was piling up, which had led to the looking over of some of the 'fine' products in the store.

Looking them over curiosity got the better of her and she picked one up to read the back..and almost immediately grimaced. Putting it back softly she decided not to opt for the "special" brands as she wasn't that tired. Just a simple energy bolster was all she needed and the drawbacks weren't enough for something that would come back with some sleep, food, and all that natural jazz. Oh gods though, all the research and studying she'd be doing soon there didn't feel like there was quite time for going the natural route. Would take about two days or so, since she didn't have the long time span of creating the body like she had with Ambiance.

That's when it occurred to her that she had yet to introduce Shiro to the new dino...let alone likely Ambiance considering how fast he'd run off to the shop. Probably had only gotten in her and Pakse's names...though her memory was failing some due to fatigue. "I think I'll stick with something a bit more normal for once. Terribly sorry though that I haven't introduced you to the other one here, her name is...Paksennarion, also called 'Pakse' by me if you can remember," her expression fell and she looked down at the winged dino with sadness despite the smile before perking back up, "And I don't quite remember if last time I introduced you to Ambiance, but he'd be the red one outside. Don't worry about Pakse here though, she's good, and was built for aid and healing - not harm."
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PostSubject: Re: Smoke Brake (Open)   Smoke Brake (Open) I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 30, 2009 2:47 pm

The albino looked over the black metallic dinosaur as Fallon filled him in on it, well her, his brow furrowed for a moment. “Pakse, wasn’t that the name of the other girl that was with you when we first ran into each other?” he asked as he crouched down slightly before it, he could vaguely remember someone in his mind, trying to lock away the beast, but this pace of technology, no matter how wonderful it was, they could not be one and the same right? “I do remember the crimson coloured one with you, but forgive me my memory is a bit hazy when I come around from when my beast takes over, I just call it a ‘Zangenner hangover’ it feels like a normal hangover only I know I can’t do what most men d and just blame it on the drink.” He laughed, trying to lighten the mood with a half hearted joke.

Seeing that the Shinigami had signed for his flux body and left Shiro wondered back over to the counter, looking over the form on the clipboard before stashing it somewhere under the desk. It was only him and Fallon in the shop now, well in the front anyway, “Fallon, you have three favours you can ask of me, one is for stopping my rampage, second is for not killing me when you had a chance and the third is for removing that chain from my neck.” He put the flat of his hands on the counter that was now behind him, lifting himself up so he was now setting on it, he tilted his head to the side for a moment, looking over the other human with his crimson eyes.

“If you don’t mind me saying, you strike me as the inquisitive kind, but either way I’m sure you have a few questions about this place or maybe me, if you do go head and ask.”
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PostSubject: Re: Smoke Brake (Open)   Smoke Brake (Open) I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 01, 2009 4:15 am

"Err...yeah...I call it that because in a sense it is her. In the sense it now houses her soul inside of it. To sum it up her soul was sort or prematurely detaching from her body and so I was forced to create another form that was capable of housing it. Its sort of why I need the energy considering the short amount of time in which I had to complete this process," still it didn't take away much of the sadness, but enough to know that she still had her friend, and a hand patted the small dino's head as it looked up at her and at Shiro again. Favors though...she couldn't recall anybody offering favors in return for her tasks and she couldn't prevent the raising of her eyebrows.

"Really? Eh, the chain was no problem, and I think Pakse helped stop your rampage more than anything. And...I'd have preferred to get you down peacefully than forever. Was always fond of animals," the grin reappeared, removing the recall of depressed feelings from recent events. Though when he brought up that recent event curiosity regained control of her mind and a hand came to hold her chin as she eyed him up and down thoughtfully. "You are most definitely right...I am rather inquisitive. Although given the profession I'll be researching soon enough, I do want to understand some things more," her eyes flashed to Pakse who gave a low purring sound, and then back to Shiro, "You don't mind if I do ask about you, do you? I mean, you throw out strange words like 'Zangenner' you can't expect me not to ask. As well as the basis of how your powers work and why you had that chain on your neck to begin with...if you don't mind answering them that is. Just say if you wanna leave something out. I'd be happy to give fair exchange on any curiosity concerning me if ya want."

It was fair to give him the right to deny anything, though to her ever flowing mind and wondering nature it would bite as all heck. But exchange wasn't bad, especially with someone similar to herself in ways and she'd been quite quiet about herself for many years. If only because people wouldn't even approach her with Ambiance nearby.
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PostSubject: Re: Smoke Brake (Open)   Smoke Brake (Open) I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 02, 2009 4:13 pm

Shiro lent forwards putting his elbows on his legs as he lessened to her story, his face oddly did not change, it was more like she was telling him that her friend had just moved to the next town, maybe that was because he was use to all the death around and what happens after. “Well then I have a feeling you will find me somewhat interesting,” he said as he slid off the counter top, he walked towards her grabbing the rim of his vest before pulling it up over his head, reviling his well toned abs and chest but this was not some show, scars where littered over his chest and torso, but if you looked closely or knew how to tell the difference the scars where not from fighting, they where all from surgery, “the beast forms you saw where not natural, well natural in a since that I was not born with these powers but my body was changed, I have these ‘chips’ in my body that hold the DNA of animals to allow be to change forms like that.” He had been walking towards her as he talked, now he was now standing only intches in front of her.

“As for Zangenner.... well the transformation take allot of strain on my mind crating an alternate personality who tends to run rampant if I spend just that bit too long in any beast form, “ he sighed to himself as he looked away from her, “but as a side effect this has created... black spots on my long-term memory sooo.” He just trailed off and shrugged to himself, it was a strange thing to say, that you had lost most of your memory, it was odd that he was ok talking about death but this..

He slung the black vest over his right shoulder, turning his eyes back to the drinks behind her, leaning forwards he took one of the bottles from the shelf and handing it to her. “I would try this one, I have used it a few long nights works wonders, also its... ‘safe’ if a normal human drinks its too.”
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PostSubject: Re: Smoke Brake (Open)   Smoke Brake (Open) I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 02, 2009 4:37 pm

The reaction of surprise was instant, breath hitching as she watched Shiro remove his vest. Then it was the scars that caused her breath to continue to hold its self in as he explained why they were there. Chips? A human test subject then? Sometimes she felt she had good reasons for despising chunks of her race as they wouldn't care about what this could and was doing to him. All for the sake of advancement in technology and it sickened her. Yes, she was lazy and liked quick ways too, and had them thanks to her powers, but she wouldn't make another human suffer for the sake of it. Hell the soul inside of Ambiance had been a dying shinigami, and Pakse had been separating from her body either way.

At the same time these DNA chips intrigued her since they gave him the ability to change and fight other beings and races. Fallon was sure that they were far from being in their top and final form, and worried her that they could continuously be perfected in some lab and tested on other individuals. Could there be a way to work with them to change some of the harmful or saddening affects into other ones?

"So they caused an alteration to your mental state then, too? And a price is your memory too....seems like the human inventors have been getting interesting since I became bored with them." The last part of the sentence had been muttered to herself, having been something of a pirate a year or two ago when it came to technology and trying to understand all she could of it. Coming back to the current moment she blushed, taking a step back while taking the bottle as her work part of her brain shut off and she realized how close he was actually standing. "Thanks, I do have quite a few busy nights coming up what with researching another race while trying to learn all I can about human physiology while understanding how the powers work with us. Kinda...joining a medical team of sorts so I might be coming to buy stashes of these. If you ever want help with your chips though you're free to come see me, I can try to modify them in parts if you wish, as well as understand exactly what harm they do to your body. And...also for any healing needs. With Pakse healing is now a possibility."

The transformation looked painful when last she'd seen it, so if she could help with easing it a bit then she'd offer to. Plus he was nice company, which she really wanted at the moment since her only companions, once again, were robotic dinosaurs. Intelligent, but even loners in the human race wanted another human to talk to from time to time. "I'd also like to meet this 'Zangenner' one of these days to try to understand him and his manifesting in your mind."
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PostSubject: Re: Smoke Brake (Open)   Smoke Brake (Open) I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 04, 2009 7:23 am

I don’t really know much about the one, or ones that did this to me, but I do know that they were fully aware of the spirit world, I remember being called ‘anti-shinigami-level-fighter’ so all I can tell I want originally.... ‘designed’ to fight against them, which seems ironic seeing as working here I’m helping them more than anything,” he flashed her a partly shy smile, “and thanks for the offer, I’m not sure of the amounts of Chips I have inside me, I only know of three.” He paused for a moment thinking on it, it was rare that he thought about what was nestled inside of him, but he wondered what beasts he had the potential to turn into, it was a bit worrying. “Zangenner and the memory loss are because my mind wants to transform into a more beast-like state, if you want to... meet Zangenner I would just hang around, he tends to show up almost randomly at times.”

He thought for a moment, part of him was starting to get uncomftable, but he thought of something that could help her, glancing at the dark winged robot he had an idea. “Well after that you told me about Pakse I think we have something that could help you, you know the body I dragged out here for the other guy? That’s what we call a Gigai, its a Shinigami invention, its a fake body for spiritual beings allowing them to hide among the livening as one of them, they cant use much of their spiritual powers.” He walked over to the ‘new’ Pakse placing a hand on the top of the metallic head, “I can’t give you one or the boss will kill me, but if you want I can take you into the back room so you can look at it.”
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PostSubject: Re: Smoke Brake (Open)   Smoke Brake (Open) I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 05, 2009 1:06 am

"Anti-shinigami...either they're unaware of the jobs of the shinigami, want one...or possibly something far more dangerous," Fallon muttered to herself, wondering why someone would make an 'anti-shinigami' weapon from a human. Scary possibilities there. More to ponder, but at the same time she couldn't help the offer,"If you're ever curious I might be able to help figure out how many you have either through X-ray or my powers since I'm a technopath. So I could technically connect to each chip and thus...well, count 'em." Sounded silly but couldn't help offering. She could still feel a bit of an echo from his most recently used one. When he explained the reasons for the other side to his personality it made quite a bit of sense then: when stressed the mind will find a way to deal with it. So possibly Shiro's mind couldn't deal with the transformation so his brain created another side to him that could, and function with the other form...s when necessary. Would still be fascinating to understand more but still looked painful so she didn't want to push. Especially before more medical knowledge and some testing with the equipment.

'Oh ew, that weird body thing,' Fallon thought, turning a bit green. She couldn't explain why, and though she was sort of amused by herself in this, she was partially disgusted by the thing when she'd seen it. So strange and...weird. Her. Thinking this. "Maybe...later, after I've gotten used to the thing. Though it sounds somewhat similar to what Ambiance and Pakse are only able to retain a more human looking form. Also squishier looking than them. Right now though Pakse is still sort of attaching to this body so it'd be better not to move her soul around too much, especially since I don't really control the soul or where it goes, the machine body and the inner system is made to draw it in purposefully so I don't lose any or too much of it in the transfer process."

In addition they kept some form of abilities, though a shinigami relied on their sword, but she'd made other adjustments to Ambiance. Pakse, on the other hand, she knew could use abilities similar to the ones from her human form only modified a bit and lessened. But best not to give all away, and Fallon smiled as Pakse made a small, purring-like sound in response to the hand.
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PostSubject: Re: Smoke Brake (Open)   Smoke Brake (Open) I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 10, 2009 3:00 pm

“I-I have a feeling my creator, if you could call them that, where not human,” his eyes stayed on the black metallic dino, “or well if they where they had spiritual powers like us, but after learning about the Shinigami part of me could think of why, I mean if they had powers like your who know what they could of came up with.” He glanced back over at Fallon, thinking over some things as quickly as his mind could, there was something about her that reminded him about his creator, they where an inventor, maybe he was made to guard his masters work? A sharp pain seemed to shoot through his head. Shiro grumbled to himself as his hand went from Pakse’s head to his own, rubbing his temples as his body posture seemed to change.

A strange smirk crept onto his face as there seemed to be a change in his eyes that turned to the other human in the room. Not giving a glance to the dino he was just petting Shiro moved back over to Fallon but something seemed different from before, the way he held his body and walked, even the look in his eyes seemed more assertive, “I think I may take up that offer of you to check on inside of me,” he smirked putting an arm around Fallon’s shoulders, “but only if you give me equal opportunity to ‘check’ inside of you.” He whispered into her ear, not giving a second to think about what he really saying, poor Shiro his darker side was always found new ways to make his life hell
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PostSubject: Re: Smoke Brake (Open)   Smoke Brake (Open) I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 16, 2009 5:35 pm

"That would explain a lot then," Fallon muttered. Silly really to assume them human at first, but one didn't always know, she gave herself some credit then. Seemed though she wasn't the only one on the up and up when it came to inventing and experimenting of sorts. However, she only used living creatures with consent and upon the most needed necessity. Ambiance and Pakse weren't created through forcing souls into them...against their will. Blasted semantics. His sudden motions caught her eye from her thoughtful trance and she was going to ask if he was all right until his body posture changed. Could it be...?

Her cheeks heated up as he came close and swung an arm around her, twisting the earlier offer into a heavy innuendo. Due to her 'strangeness' and abilities such fancies from boys escaped her younger life and no man would go near her when Ambiance nearby...which was most of the time anyhow. At first it was hard to believe this was Shiro but once again her mind brought up the earlier mention of 'Zangenner' and so she had to ask him, "You...wouldn't be 'Zangenner' by any chance, would you?" At this time she wasn't sure if she should knock his arm from her shoulders harshly or gently....or at all. With her confused mind she fell into the option of not at all.
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PostSubject: Re: Smoke Brake (Open)   Smoke Brake (Open) I_icon_minitime

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