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 Kristelle Letoa (Human)

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PostSubject: Kristelle Letoa (Human)   Kristelle Letoa (Human) I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 22, 2010 5:32 pm

SuperHuman Registration

Name: Kristelle Letoa

Rank: Ascended possibly?

Age: 18

Appearance: Kristelle has a petite figure, weighing only one hundred and one pounds and is only five feet in height. Her skin is a creamy, flawless, ivory color that brings out her violet eyes. Her hair is a strawberry blondish color that reaches about mid back, layered, her fringe is cut at a slight slant, covering her forehead and part of her left eye. Her typical street wear is a tee shirt with a random band on it, skinny jeans, and Chucks.

Gender: Female

Personality: Kristelle is not a trusting person, meaning she doesn’t trust just about anyone. She is like most teens, hormonal, confused, begging for attention, wanting to be different. She is afraid of what she can do, not wanting the wrong people to find out her powers, even though it is inevitable. It is not like she doesn’t like it, she is afraid of the consequences.

Towards people she is nice, it is in her nature to treat every being equal even, unless they are trying to kill her. She is smart, preferring books to people, but still is social enough not to be a hermit. Kristelle is a good liar if she has to be, and also good at convincing people on most occasions. She is very OCD about certain things, like everything in her home must be clean, or all of the books on the shelf must be facing a certain way or she gets ticked off.

In battle, she is calm for the most part, analyzing her surroundings, looking for openings for attack, escape routes, weaknesses. Kristelle hates fighting, she is not blood thristy like may people she has met, but if she has to, she will fight.


Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde.

Likes: Her favorite foods are Apples, Carrots, and Ice cream. She loves to read books and write. A hobby she quite enjoys is writing her own music. She enjoys walking through town and letting her thoughts process in her mind and figure out things. And of course she likes boys.

Dislikes: She dislikes loud noises, Rapists, Clowns, and Her father.

Crushes: hmmm…. ;]


Specialties: She can write music really well, getting rythms and melodies to flow together and make beautiful concertos.

History:Kristelle Taverly Letoa was born premature. Her mother died giving birth to the infant, and sadly no one else wanted her. The baby was to stay in the hospital for tree months, then was given to the nearest orphanage until someone would decide to adopt the poor girl. No one did, at least not for the first few years.

Her first four years of being alive, she stayed in that orphanage. Sunny christ Orphanage was its name. Older kids taught her how to walk, taught her how to use the bathroom, How to talk, and how to use a knife. It was survival there. Most or maybe all of the older kids had been there all of their lives, knowing the adults in charge were liars, only in the business for the money. Kristelle was only another piece of merchandise, she had a price in their eyes a boy once told her. She didn't like most people there. Kris stayed close to one person, a gril named Natalie who was about ten years old.the girl taught Kristelle how to defend herself if anyone tried to steal her lunch or blanket. It was torture.

A few days before Kristelle's fifth birthday, she was adopted. the family seemed okay at first, they were alot better than the people in the orphanage. Molly Dewlock and Jim Dewlock were her new parents. She never called either mom or dad. She also had two new siblings-- Desiree and Malachi, both spoiled brats, both three years older than her but acted like they were two. Kris got everything she needed and some things she wanted. She had new toys and clothes and was put into Kindergarden where she was exposed to others her age who, surprisingly were as bratty and spoiled as her new siblings.

Kristelle was nice though, to everyone who came her way, Even if she really didn't like them, and eventually she made a friend who became her best friend after they shared cookies on the playground during recess. Felicity Goodwin. Since then, they were nearly never apart.

Age eight. After her first day of second grade, Molly was working late, recently getting a job as a nurse. Both Malachi and Desiree were at friends houses and Kristelle was home with just her "father" Jim, who had a rough day at work and decided to drink alot afterwards. Kristelle made her way through the door of the kitchen, sitting her bag on the chair nearest her and began walking to her room. That was when the drunk stood up and followed her. She didn't know what he wanted, he never bothered her much, never followed her to her room, she thought she was in trouble for something, maybe he found the cookies under her bed.

She went to shut the door to her room and he pushed it open, letting himself in, nearly toppling over onto the child as he made his clumsy entrance. e knocked te door shut and grabbed Kristelle by the back of the shirt, and pulling her to him. She asked him what he was doing, he answered by ripping off her top. She cried, she screamed. He wouldn't stop. Every time she would beg him to stop he would slap her across the face. Rape, Abuse, Molestor. He threatened her not to tell anyone. Then he left her in her room, naked, shivering on her bed, violated. Never again was she the same. She was caught off guard, she could have hit him, but she knew it wouldn't have worked, he was bigger than the people she defended herself from in the orphanage.

He didn't do it again, and she never told. Well, he tried to do it again. When Kristelle was eleven he advanced on her, but she ran, and it just made him angry. He pinned her against a wall. She kicked him, it did no good. Tears began to stream down her face she didn't fight it, she just prayed silently, and before he could remove her clothes, Molly walked in. The next moment, Kris was curled in a ball, watching Molly and Jim scream at eachother, a very loud, very terrifying arguement. He hit her, And Molly staggered back, a red mark appearing on her face. They kept yelling, the intensity was hurting Kristelle's head. then someone yelled, and it took Kris a few seconds to realize it was her. "Shut up!!" She put her hands to her ears and a noise, high pitched, and sharp emated from her body. A few seconds later she looked up, Molly and Jim, were still screaming, but covering their ears, blood flowing, the noise busted their ear drums.

Kristelle, unsure of what she did, ran, she ran from the house, terrified. She ran to Felicity's, hoping she could help. Felicity ran outside before Kris even made it to the door. She didn't know what was wrong, but she could see the terror on her face. She didn't offer to let her in, but they began walking. It was strange, Kristelle was noticing things she never did before, like the shadows that moved at the edge of her vision, and the strange few people that was just randomly lurkoing, and she could have swore she saw a monster. delusional she kept telling herself you are crazy, stop it She explained everything to Felicity when they found themselves at the park, walking under trees thats leaves were changing colors. She didn't realize she was crying until Felicity wiped a tear off her face and told her it would be okay.

She smiled... But two seconds later she saw the monster she thought she saw, A tentacle- like arm emerged from its body and aimed it straight at the two girls. It hit felicity, pierced her through the stomach. The beast took felicity and drew her into its body. Dead, Kristelle was sure she was dead. She wanted to beat it, to try and save Kristelle, and she wanted to run, but she was paralyzed in place, staring at the ugly beast that was about to come after her next.

A man, a ery strange man, then emerged from the shadows, a sword in hand and it looked like he was wearing a mask, He ran straight towards the beast, looking like he was going to fight it. Kristelle just stood there and watched. It looked like it was easy, the guy killed the beast in under thirty seconds. It was amazing. She looked at him, eyes wide, as he sheathed his sword and his mask disappeared, then she ran. She didn't know who he was, or what he was, and she wasn't going to stay around to find out either. Tears streaming down her face, she ran, unsure of where she was going, or what she was doing.

The next day, the police found Kristelle under an overpass asleep, her cheeks stained with tears and covered in dirt. She was soon enough back in the orphanage she spent her first four years of her life. There were still kids there she remembered when she was little. But she stayed away from them, not sure if she was going to randomly spaz and somehow burst their ear drums or have a monster eat anyone, too afraid to get close to anyone. When she was thirteen she was taken in a ome by a woman named Zailie, and knew what she was going through.

The woman old her that she was a Superhuman, explained to her what it was, and explained to her she had a higher spiritual pressure than most humans, which draws the monsters, which Kristelle later found out were called Hollows, and learned they feed on souls. "The Hollow you encountered was probably aiming for you but got your friend instead, good thing the viazard showed up and killed it"

Vaizard. that was what the man was, Zailie explained that she too was a superhuman, and agreed to help Kristelle master her powers and educate her about things, A place called the soul society, Shinigami, Hueco Mundo-- all kinds of things. First all Kristelle had to do was show Zailie what she was capable of doing so far. She didn't know how to trigger, it, nor wanted to, so she explained to Zailie that it was a supersonic sound that emmitted from her at first. Zailie told her-- forced her to promise not to use it unless she was at the end of the line, and had to run.

At age sixteen, Kristelle had discovered and mastered two powers, both involved her manipulating energy around her. The first one she discovered when she was meditating with Zailie, Kris had formed a ball of energy in her pensive state and it shot through the wall of their house once she became unfocused. The other was a barrier like thing, that could engulf her opponents, deafening them by the supersonic noise she used the first night she discovered her powers. Te barrier was weak, but if she could get someone in it for a moment, they would be too busy trying to cover their ears than trying to escape.

Zailie taught Kristelle two more things besides the knowledge and how to master her powers, she taught her how to use weapons like katana's and guns, and also how to play the piano. Soon the Piano became something she enjoyed very much. and eventually began writing music of her own, and playing pieces by ear. The weapons were for more self defense against ordinary humans, rather than other things. Just to be cautious.

Now eighteen, Kristelle moved away from Zailie, Owning an apartment of her own, and in control of her powers and mind, she begins her life...

((okay, i rushed the end, alot, but eh, it is good enough))

Picture of Character:

Sample Chapter: It was a foggy morning, her class on the play ground, running around, laughing and living life like kids do. Only seven years old, but enjoying what she had, young Kristelle was giggling like she did every morning recess playing outside. Her and a few other girls were chasing a couple boys around, threatening they were going to give them cooties if they touched them, it really terrified the boys. After it got boring though, her and her best friend Felicity went to the Merry-go- Round and began spinning it and jumping on once they were going really fast. " Isn't this fun Kristelle? Nothing can stop us from having this much fun." Felicity said this and both girls giggled, but Kristelle stopped when she heard a piercing scream, a tentacle through Felicity's stomach, her dead... Her world melted and she saw he Adoptive parents laying in front of her, screaming, grasping their ears that were leaking blood... Then she woke up.

Awake, Alive... Kristelle looked around her one bedroom apartment she had bought weeks before, the nightmare that she had repeatedly been having for almost a month finally having its effects subside as she sat up, Another day. Blinking twice she looked at her clock that read it was only eight in the morning, which meant she had time to eat breakfast before she began playing her keyboard she had stuffed under her bed.

Her apartment was small, but only she lived there, one room, including her small kitchen and a couch and television that was hooked up to an xbox 360 for when her life really got that boring. She had a bathroom too, it was small, but it worked. the walls were all a bright color, which made it even more depressing than it would be if it was gloomy.

She pulled herself out of bed, and took lazy steps to her dresser, picking out a turquoise tee shirt and a pair of jeans, Then she walked into her bathroom and turned on the wather to get a shower. It was always the same routine, Nightmare, wake up, shower, get dressed, eat, piano, blah blah blah, repeat. But today she was going to go out and enjoy herself at the park, and probably will end up reading a book there.

Kristelle stepped ino the shower and let the hot water beat off her back, she just stood there for a moment and got used to the water, then she washed up, got out, dried off and put on her clothes. She exited the bathroom and grabbed a pair of socks from the bottom drawer of her dresser and put them on,followed by her shoes. Kris put her hair up in a ponytail and began walking towards her kitchen counter, where a box of poptarts was sitting. It was empty and she let out a sigh, great, She grabbed her wallet next to the empty poptart box and left her apartment, deciding to get food before she went to the park to relax...

((not my best, heh, getting back into the motions, but im sure my posts will be better later on))
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PostSubject: Re: Kristelle Letoa (Human)   Kristelle Letoa (Human) I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 23, 2010 3:20 am

Good enough, approved as ascended one.
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