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 Takashi Ryu (Finished)

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''The Hitman'' Ryu

''The Hitman'' Ryu

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PostSubject: Takashi Ryu (Finished)   Takashi Ryu (Finished) I_icon_minitimeTue May 04, 2010 1:23 pm

Shinigami Registration

Name: Takashi Ryu

Rank: Idk.. you decide. ;D I hope atleast a seated officer.

Age: 160

Appearance: Ryu seems to be twenty-three, but he is actually hundred-sixty. Which you wouldn't believe that easily if you see him for the first time. His eyes colour are grey, if you look very closely to his eyes. And he always wears a iron glove on his right hand, that he got from his childhood, from his dead parents that died due to a secret group of assasins. His body is starting to be quite muscular, he is 196 lbs. He is 6'3'', that is considered pretty tall in the Soul Society for a normal shinigami. Also, he has a scar on his left chest, it's a handprint from an average hollow that he got from fighting while he was an academy student, it was a test you could pass. The hollow hitted him too hard then Ryu slowly losing his consciousness. He got saved by his teacher.

Gender: Male.

Personality: Ryu likes to annoy people no matter where you are or when. Though if someone gets angry about it he will immediately quit with being annoying. He doesn't like angry people, sometimes few are even so angry they have no idea what they are doing and Ryu doesn't want that to happen. Other than that he always likes to smile and help people even if his own live is in danger. But, his main personality is being friendly. He finds it always unfair some people aren't treated equal. The rich people are always the boss and the poor people don't have enough to eat. Ryu wants Soul Society to be one big family. He also has some likes and dislikes. He likes to relax, he gets a kind of stress when he works too hard being a shinigami, doing this and doing that. Ah, sunny days. It gotta fun, in summer when all people are happy, children playing together. And his other like; friends. What can you do without them? Almost nothing. That's why he likes friends. Now the dislikes; waking up early. First you wake up in the morning, then trying to sleep, but you can't. You become stressed and angry. And his last dislike; angry, grumbling people. Seriously, when do they shut up? They talk to you, then you look into his angry, rude eyes. Then you get the chance of getting hitted.



Hair Color: Black

Likes: Sunny days, friends and relaxing.

Dislikes: Waking up early in the morning and angry, gumbling people.

Crushes: None.


Specialties: Sending people illusions if you look very closely at his scar on his left chest. Then entering their brain, confusing them.

History: Ryu was an one month year old baby when he died, in 1860. He had an poor family that hadn't enough money for eating. One to one they started to die, from the hunger, from the working and from the stress. The brother, the mother, the sister were the victims of it. The only ones left was the depressive father and the new born Ryu. The last words of his mother were ''Yakate (the father of Ryu) take good care of Ryu. I got to work once again. This time I need to go somewhere in Europe for six months, working eighteen hours each day non-stop. I think I won't survive it.. many people died... she started to cry. His dad began to talk. ''What?! I know you can survive it, I know you better than you know yourself!'' his mom sat on her bed. She coulnd't talk normal anymore. ''Ye- but- what about our other kids that died while working?!... His dad sighed. ''Just trust me....'' She began to sigh too. ''Thank you Yakate, you give me everytime some hope and self confidence.'' His dad began to smile. ''No problem.... no problem.'' Suddenly they heard someone shouting and the voice wasn't far from their home. ''Mrs. Godo? Come out! It's time for you to go.'' Godo, the mother of Ryu looked at Yakata, his father. She began to go downstairs. Godo's last footsteps Yakata heard was when she slowly began to go downstairs on the stairs. The opened the door, looking at her house that she would never see again. She slowly closes the door and walks to the man.

One month later: Yakata was playing with the baby Ryu. ''You like this?'' he tickled Ryu. The little Ryu couldn't stop laughing, his cheeks were red from the laughing. But then someone knocked on hia window. Yakata saw it was a young man, the same man that walked away with his wife. ''Come.'' he said with a suprised voice. The man opened the door. He walked to Yakata, and his face wasn't that happy. Yakata knew he was going to talk about some bad news. ''Nice to meet you, Mr. Yakata. My name is Toride.'' Yakata looked into his eyes. ''Well, hello Mr. Toride. Why are you here?'' Toride was scratching his head. ''Well, everyone on that boat.... well how can I say it.... died... a secret group of assasins wanted to steal money and.. everyone died there..... the assasins started to hit everybody and they asked for money... they eventually found it and they kiled them.. Yakata looked at him with big eyes. ''People.. these days.... he holded his head. ''I think I'm going to sleep... Toride looked at him ''Sorry to bring you the bad news...'' Yakata looked at a photo of his wife. ''Ah, no problem. Everyone dies once, there is no need to cry. My mother died, my father died. This isn't too special to me... well, bye Mr. Toride. Nice to meet you..'' ''Bye Yakata...'' he slowly walked to the the door and then closed it.

Very late that night, the assasins walked to Yakata's house. ''Well, well. Mr. Toride telled it to him eh? Good we killed him, one more to go.'' One other assasin laughed. ''Is this Yakata's house? How about we make it quickly and we kill them along with his baby.'' The leader of the assasins, Kenichi, looked irritated to the other assasin that said to kill them quickly. Kenichi started to talk. ''That's what we are must do... I'm the boss here... Oh this is his house.'' He slowly broke it, so quiet that nobody waked up. The assasins slowly walked to the living room. There they saw Yakate and Ryu. Kenichi sighed. ''Kill them quickly!'' Assasins grabbed knives and Yakate saw the assasins. He looked at them, then at the knives. Then he shouted so hard you could hear it from almost a mile. ''NOW! KILL HIM NOW! DON'T LET HIM SHOUT DAMMIT!'' now he shouted even harder. They stabbed the knives into his stomach, and the knive is poisonous. Yakate died. Now he finally stopped shouting the assasins heard a voice crying. ''Kill the baby.'' said leader Kenichi with a coldblooded voice. The assasins were ready to kill. But right then, they heard giant footsteps. ''.. What's that.. RUN, RUN FOR YOUR LIVE!'' Before they had the chance the hollow appeared and eated them all. The mindless hollow saw Ryu. He grabbed him. Now once again Ryu started to cry. The hollow started to drool, and laughed. The baby Ryu closed his eyes and he felt hell of a pain.

Ryu slowly opened his eyes. He looked at his body. ''Huh... when I died from that giant monster I was a baby, now I can talk? How long have I been here?'' He see's a boy that is around his age, walking on the street. Ryu stands up. ''Hey boy, I want to eat, could you give me some bread or something?'' The boy didn't hear him. ''Hey! I'm talking to you!'' Still no answer. Ryu ran to the boy and said it once again. ''Come on, I'm starving!'' Ryu heard his mom talking to the boy. ''Come here! I want to talk to you.'' ''Wai-..'' before he had the chance to talk the boy ran through Ryu. ''Heh... how did you do that!'' Once again no answer. ''Dammit! Why is everybody ignoring me!'' ''That's because your a spirit, a ghost.'' Toride looked behind his back. It was a boy seems to be like seven. He had short, brown har and his eye colour was blue. ''Oh?... So you are a ghost too?'' The kid nodded. ''Yes, yes. I am a ghost like you are. Got any questions?'' ''Yeah.. How do I get out of here? If there is like a paradise somewhere.'' The boy laughed. ''Well, that question is easy. You know what Shinigami's are?'' Ryu shook his head. ''They are ghosts, like we are. But, they don't just hang out around here like we do, no. They have to defeat hollows to keep the balance here in planet earth. They have a katana to defeat them, but the katana aren't normal. Their magical. Shinigami's can use magic to defeat hollows. They call that magic, or kido. And they have a soul within their katana, or you can better call it a zanpakuto. These souls within the zanpakuto tries to help the user in combat. That isn't all, they have something called Shikai and Bankai. I'll start with Shikai. So every shinigami has a soul in their zanpakuto, and with hard training they can achieve Shikai. But, that isn't that easy. First you start out as an academy student, which takes like 5 or more years to pass it. If you pass it, you got a choice to pick a squad. 13 Squads to be exact. These squads are all for shinigami. Oh, almost forgot about the Shikai. Once you achieve the Shikai, you can do magical things with your weapon etcetera. Then you finally got the Bankai. You need many years to achieve THAT. Only captains from the Gotei 13 or VERY skilled persons can achieve bankai. Any further information you will learn in the academy and the Gotei 13.'' Ryu looked at him confused. ''Ok... erm... how do you know all this?'' The boy smiled. ''I met a shinigami once and he told it all.'' But then, suddenly people start to scream. In the eyes of a human it is an invisible something grabbing and killing them. Only spirits can see it. ''Hey!! That's the monster that killed me!'' ''Look, these are hollows. And no, there are much hollows walking around here looking for food. That monster of yours could be already killed by a shinigami or still walking around here somewhere.'' ''But--''' Before he had the chance to talk the two boys saw something. Someone with a katana, and some kind of black clothes. ''A shinigami!!'' Ryu stared at him, while he was killing the hollow with his zanpakuto in the hollow's stomach. The hollow screamed, and he just dissapeared. The shinigami sheathed his zanpakuto while he shunpo's to them. ''Hello you two, shall I bring you to the Soul Society?'' The boy was excited. ''Please, yes!!'' ''Alright.'' The shinigami unsheathed his zanpakuto, hitting with his hilt of his zanpakuto on the heads of the two boys. ''See you in Soul Society!''

Ryu opened his eyes. He saw kids playing there, laughing and all. He saw one grandpa buying bread. He was somewhere strange. Ryu started to be awake. ''Where am I! Who are these kids and those grandpa?! Where is that boy I just met!'' But then he knew it. ''I'll bring you to Soul Society!'' ''I am here alone, with all those spirits and so called ''shinigami's...'' He standed up and walked to the kids. ''Hey what are you guys playing'' ''Shhttt!!! We're playing hide and seek.'' ''Uhm... okay.'' Ryu walked away. ''Ugh.. nothing to do here..'' Ryu looked at the kids playing. Then suddenly one man started to follow Ryu. ''Hey, you alone? Come with me! I'll give you a home.'' ''I don't know if I can trust strangers... oh whatever. If I get a home.'' ''Follow me!'' They started to walk to his home. He saw a homeless guy lying there on street. ''Hey, you homeless guy! Come with us to have a home!'' The guy ignored him. ''Hey!!'' The man that wanted to give him a home seems to be irritated. ''I don't like these drunk, weird guys in my home. Once they visited my home, and they hitted me and then stealed something made of gold. I want that to never happen again. Oh, we already reached our house.'' The man opened the door. Ryu walked in, while seeing the house. It was beatiful, it was a house you could only dream of. ''Bingo!'' ''Are you hungry?'' ''Very hungry!.... Ryu was holding his stomach. The man started to grab something and gived it to Ryu. '"Hmmmm, ramen!'' Ryu wanted grab it with his hands, but instead of that he maked a sort of blue ball and it exploded the ramen. The man looked very shocked and started to back up.... ''GO! GO AWAY FROM MY HOUSE!'' Ryu looked at him confused about him being angry and confused about how he made that blue ball. He ran away from his house. ''Geez.... failed..'' he thought while holding his stomach dieing from the hunger. ''Maybe they give me food at that academy the boy talked about!'' He ran to every place he saw, a hospital to a madhouse. Then he saw the hospital again... he just realised he just walked circles over and over. He walked to each man and asked them where the academy is. Almost everybody just said ''Yeah there are alot of academy's'' but one man said where it was. He laughed. ''It's behind you, kid.'' suprised Ryu looked behind his back. He saw a big plate saying: Academy. Ryu feeled like a dumb baby kid right now, all these hours for nothing. He ran as fast he could to the academy, seeing one man. He had the same clothing as the shinigami he first saw. ''Food, hunger... Ryu fell on the ground. The shinigami quickly bringed him inside. The shinigami bringed food and something to drink for Ryu, as he slowly began to wake up again. ''Hey.. I'm not hungry anymore.... sorry for disturbing you....'' ''No problem. I gave you your food while you were sleeping.'' ''Thanks. I really appreciate that.'' ''No problem, again.'' Toride didn't hear what the shinigami was saying after that. He concentrated too much on his hand. Suddenly a blue ball slowly forms on his hand. The shinigami looked at it with big eyes. ''That's a reiatsu ball! That is wonderful for a kid like you that hasn't even been in the academy yet!'' ''O really? Is it that special then?'' But the shinigami walked to someone else, then coming back to Ryu with an old man. ''Do that blue ball thing again!'' Once again Ryu concentrated on hia hand. He creates a blue ball. ''Look at that!'' The old man didn't look suprised, nor sad. He started to tslk. ''I approve him, but he got to learn shunpo before he becomes a true shinigami.'' [color=yellow]''Alright, come here kid, follow me and I'll learn you shunpo. They walked outside in a large area. ''To shunpo, you concentrate your power in your feet, then you try to run as fast as you can. Look at this, it's as easy as this!'' He shunpo'd like it was the easiest job in the world. Toride tried to do it too, but he just ran instead of shunpo-ing. ''Just concentrate your power into your feet, like you concentrate that blue ball on your hand.'' He concentrated as hard as he could, only thinking about speed and running. He was ready, so he ran so hard he shunpo'd. ''I did it!'' His heart was beating very fast. ''I see your extremely tired after shunpo-ing one time, but you will eventually learn it when your older. Just now consider yourself one of the youngest shinigami, and for now relax.'' Ryu sat on the ground. ''What the hell am I doing here? How did I get into this world?'' the young Ryu had too many questions.

Picture of Character: Takashi Ryu (Finished) 91624m

Sample Chapter: Toride walked in Karakura Town, while thinking about his friends. ''So they get vacation, and I'm here to kill hollows? Heh it is always me who got to works, but it isn't that hard anyways.'' He looked at a big guy fighting and hitting guys much smaller than him. ''People these days. They fight eachother to become the ''boss'' how foolish.'' But right after that, Ryu saw a hollow starting to stand up. ''Hah, what a foolish hollow. If they had a brain they would run the hell out of here. COME HERE!'' Ryu shunpo'd to the hollow, while unsheathing his zanpkuto. He swinged his blade into random directions, his arms, his legs, his stomach, in the hope to kill him. The hollow dodged them all with ease. Knowing the hollow isn't so fast he shunpo'd behind him, trying to deeply stab him in the back. But that was without succes, the hollow already knew he was behind him.

The hollow grabbed his zanpakuto, just simply breaking all of it. He grabbed and threw Ryu on the ground like it was a toy you thew around. ''Dammit! What the hell am I doing?'' The hollow looked at him, grabbing Ryu again and then giving him an awful headbutt. Ryu lay on the ground, so he then walked on Ryu's arm, breaking it. '"AHHH!'' Ryu screamed in pain, but nobody heard him. ''I thought there was more shinigami's here fighting hollows in Karakura Town... where are they when someone is almost going to get killed?'' Suddenly the hollow showed his claws to Ryu, maybe a sign he's ready to kill him. The hollow his claws almost reached Ryu, but Ryu just simply dissapeared like he was never there on the ground. The hollow looked confused and started to hit himself. Slowly he looked behind his back. He saw there Ryu sitting on a tree. He hollow ran to the tree and destroyed it, once again Ryu dissapeared. He stood behind the hollow. Ryu knew this was the perfect time to kill him and he shunpo'd to the hollow. ''EAT THIS!'' He sliced through his head, killing him. The hollow was dead. Ryu sheathed his zanpakuto while the hollow fell on the ground. ''Don't mess with illusions.''

Last edited by ''The Hitman'' Ryu on Sat May 08, 2010 5:51 am; edited 1 time in total
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''The Hitman'' Ryu

''The Hitman'' Ryu

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PostSubject: Re: Takashi Ryu (Finished)   Takashi Ryu (Finished) I_icon_minitimeSat May 08, 2010 5:50 am

Finished. I'm a beginner in RPing and this is my first app, so please be nice. ;D
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PostSubject: Re: Takashi Ryu (Finished)   Takashi Ryu (Finished) I_icon_minitimeMon May 10, 2010 3:42 am

Approved.. Welcome to my division, mate.
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''The Hitman'' Ryu

''The Hitman'' Ryu

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PostSubject: Re: Takashi Ryu (Finished)   Takashi Ryu (Finished) I_icon_minitimeMon May 10, 2010 7:10 am

ty ^_^
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