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 Ichiro M. Torimo (superhuman)

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Ichiro M. Torimo (superhuman) Empty
PostSubject: Ichiro M. Torimo (superhuman)   Ichiro M. Torimo (superhuman) I_icon_minitimeFri May 15, 2009 5:37 pm

Name: Ichiro M. Torimo

Age: 16

Gender: male

Personality: Quiet but outgoing. Ichiro is mildly talkative around friends

History: Ichiro was born in a small town. Nothing in the town looked strange or unusual. When Ichiro was 9 his dad died in an explosion or left, no won is sure he died because no body was found. He lived alone with his mom and it was a hard time. Though his life got perticularly hard when his mom got laid off. During this time she got sick and died, of an unknow cause when he was 12. They don't know what happened because nothing ever was found, it just seemed like something possessed her and she suddenly got real sick.
___Ichiro lived in the house he always had up until he was 13. The only reason he did not get kicked out sooner was because they were so busy they didn't realize the house wasn't being paid off anymore. After Ichiro got kicked out of his house he went to go live with a friend in an apartment his friend's parents were paying for because they were out of town and the house was sold.
___When Ichiro turned 14 he thought he was going insane because he thought he was seeing things that weren't there. One day was especially bad because on this day he was laying on top of the apartment building looking up at the sky when he heard footsteps coming up the stair-way. When he got up to look it was a girl and she was walking over to the edge of the building. When Ichiro saw her and said hello but she didn't respond, she just continued to walk to the edge and when she finally got there she stood on the ledge. When Ichiro saw this he ran after her to grab her but it was to late, she had jumped off the edge and when Ichiro got to the ledge he lloked down and she was no where to be seen. Other times he would see a boy or girl walking down the street or in the apartment building but whenever something passed infront of them blocking Ichiro's view the boy or girl was gone after they passed by.
___When Ichiro turned 16 his friend moved away to live with his parents. Shortley after Ichiro dropped out of School. He is now living in the apartment building he was living in with his friend and he will be evicted unless he pays the rent in 7 days.

RP Sample: Foruna arrives at his apartment and see's a girl walk around the corner of the building. He wonders who that was, and sees a head pop around the corner, but not sure if he was just seeing things or if it was real. Foruna continues to walk into the apartment building. On the way up to his room he sees another girl walk by into another room and thinks it is the same girl. Foruna follow her and goes into the same room but when he arrives in the room she is no where to be seen. Foruna looks around the room and even walks into the bathroom but there is still no sign of her so he turns around and heads to his room.
___When Foruna arrived at his room he realized something was wrong but couldn't pinpoint what so he continued to go over to his bed and lay down. He notices a can of chips on the nightstand and grabs them then begins to eat them. After he is done he sits up and walks over to his small kitchen and get a glass of Lemonade. With the glass of lemonade in his hand he walks over to a cabnet and pulls out a can of spam and a pan. He turns the stove on and puts the pan on the stove then opens the can of spam and cuts it into thin pieces and places some of the pieces on the pan and the rest in a tuperware container and places it in the fridge. After he is done cooking the spam he makes it into a sandwich and begins to eat it. Foruna then walks over to a table with the sandwich and the lemonade and beings eating lunch.
___After Foruna is done eating he heads outside after seeing the girl walk by his door again. He follows her out of the building, and he even calls her name a few times but she doesn't answer. Right when he walks out the door he looks around and she is nowhere to be seen again. Foruna then decides to go for a walk around the neighbor hood to see what's new. Not even 10 minutes passed when he saw the girl again across the street he crosses the street and begins to follow her. She then turns into and ally and so does Foruna. After he turns into the ally he can still see her unlike other times. The girl turns in the ally and walks into a strange looking door with a white arch.
___To Foruna's surprise there is not that much stuff around except for a demonic looking chair, which Foruna believes is some sorta throne, and a Big dark table with wierd shaped legs and slots on the top where some sort of mask would go. Foruna turns around to leave after being a little freaked out but sees that the door is gone. Foruna turns back around and sees the girl again and follows her into another door where there appears to be a big curtain and a strange figure behind it. The girl looks at Foruna and holds her hand up. Foruna takes that as a sign for him to stay where he is and does so. The girl walks behind the curtain through a little opening in the bottom of the huge curtain. Foruna sees the figure move and then the figure of the girl appear. Foruna was a little surprised to see the hight difference between the girl and the strange figure. Foruna a little frightened turns around.
___Foruna notices a candy bar sitting on the ground and picks it up. He examines it to see if it is open and when he notices it is not her opens it and begins to eat it. He turns back around remembering what the girl said or gestured. He doesn't move because he is afraid that if he does the big figure will do something terrible to him. Foruna notices a sheet of paper on the ground in front of him and begins to read it. The paper said "Hello if you are getting this message let me tell you upfront this message is not important and never will be so if you are going to read on you are wasting your time". Foruna thinks about what he just read and looks up at the curtain and notices the girl and the strange figure must be having a conversation.
___Foruna begins to read the paper again knowing that he has time to waste. The note reads on "Now that i am done telling you the use of the paper let me tell you of the message. This paper is not meant to inform you in any way this is only to be used as a waste of time so if you have read this paper since the beging you must not have anything better to do meaning you have no life so have fun. Go spend your time doing what ever it is you do my guess is that you don't have a girl friend if you don't have a life so why don't you go please yourself in other ways". Foruna looks up from the paper shocked and in a little disbelief at what he just read and wish he would have never read it. He then sees that the girl and the large fiqure are done talking and the girl walk out of the small opening in the curtain.
___After the girl walked out of the curtain He begins to see the huge curtain open up and a huge ghostly looking figure appear with a strange looking white mask. The girl gesture's to Foruna to walk out into the room he was just in, in other words she wanted him to go back into the throne room. Foruna listens because he really doesn't want to get in a fight with the huge ghost thing. After Foruna is in the throne room the girl comes in and stnads near the throne and the Huge ghost thing sits in it. After Foruna finishes the candy bar he sticks the rapper in his pocket, because even though he doesn't think the ghost will get mad if he tosses it on the floor he really doesn't want to take theat chance. Foruna hears the ghost thing say something that Foruna took as Hello or welcome but he wasn't sure.
___The huge ghost thing begins to explain to Foruna what he is and tells him that he is a being called Hollow. Foruna listens carefully so he doesn't piss of the so called hollow. The hollow explains to Foruna that he is there because he has a gift of some sort. Foruna begins to feel wierd and then feels a little dizzy, all of a sudden he feels as though he has just had a huge blow to his chest and he sees the girl standing in front of him and he sees his body on the ground and gets a little frightened. Ok make that Scared out of his mind. Foruna looks at his body and realizes he is wearing a black robe of some sort and that there is a sword in a sheath on his side. He then pulls the sword out of it's sheath and the hollow tells him it is called a Zanpaktou.
___Foruna puts it back in it sheath and turns around after the girl had gestured to him to turn around. He felt a kick in the rear and when he sat up he realized he was laying in his bed at the apartment building. Foruna sits up and sees the can of chips sitting on his nightstand and wonders if it all was just a dream. Foruna then begins to eat the can of chips and finishes them. After he is done eating them he gets up from the bed and walks over to his small kitchen, when he gets there he opens his fridge and grabs a pitcher of lemonade and a glass of the counter.
___Foruna then pours himself a cup of lemonade and puts the pitcher back in the fridge, when Foruna is done he takes a sip of the lemonade and sits in on the counter. Foruna then opens up a cabinet pulling out a pan and a can of spam. Foruna lays down the pan on one of the burners on his stove and turns the stove on. Then he begins to cut the spam up into thin pieces and puts a few of them on the pan and the rest in a tuperware container that he puts in the fridge. When the spam is done cookinghe makes it into a sandwich and grabs the lemonade and the sandwich and walks over to a table and sits down to eat lunch.
___When Foruna is done eating he walks out of the apartment building and decides to take a walk around the neighbor hood to see what's new. Foruna notices a bright glow coming out of a pothole on the side walk and bend down to see what is causing it. Right as Foruna bends down he feels a kick on the rear and he tumbles to the ground and the pothole cover comes lose and he falls in. When Foruna stands up he sees a forest and doesn't know what just happened. he realizes he is now wearing a black robe and has a sword in a sheath on his side. When Foruna looks back up he sees a adjuchas level hollow and doesn't realize what is going on.
___The hollow charges at Foruna and he tries to defend himself so he pulls out his sword and puts it in front of pointing it toward the hollow. The sword hurts the hollow a little bit and it backs off but Foruna doesn't notice anything wrong with the hollow where he had hit it. The hollow charges at Foruna again and he changes the position of the sword where the tip is pointing to the bottom left of his body as though he is trying to block something. The sword begins to glow and it transforms into a long skinny snake looking thing.
___Foruna then swings his newly formed sword at the hollow and it hits its body again, and the hollow backs away but he notices no damage done to the hollow and wonders how to kill it. Then Foruna notices tht the only solid thing on the hollow is the mask, The hollow then fires a cero at Foruna but it misses him when Foruna runs toward the hollow and swings his sword at the hollow's mask. When the Sword hits the hollow Foruna hears a soft low pitch scream and the hollow slowly begin to dissolve and a part of its mask falls to the ground and Foruna picks it up and looks at it with a strange expression on his face that is some what confused, excited, curious, and freaked out. The Sword glowed again and turns back to normal. With the same look he had when he looked at the mask the looked at the sword then put it back in it's sheath then looked back at the masked with the expression forzen on his face.

Last edited by Ichiro M. Torimo on Sun May 17, 2009 8:19 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Ichiro M. Torimo (superhuman) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ichiro M. Torimo (superhuman)   Ichiro M. Torimo (superhuman) I_icon_minitimeFri May 15, 2009 6:51 pm

~ Approved.
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Ichiro M. Torimo (superhuman) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ichiro M. Torimo (superhuman)   Ichiro M. Torimo (superhuman) I_icon_minitimeSun May 17, 2009 8:20 pm

I edited my rp Sample Very Happy

It's bigger and better XD
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Posts : 229
Points : 679
Join date : 2009-04-26
Age : 29

Ichiro M. Torimo (superhuman) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ichiro M. Torimo (superhuman)   Ichiro M. Torimo (superhuman) I_icon_minitimeSun May 17, 2009 8:24 pm

Don't see why editing a sample was needed, but.. APPROVED!

Btw, please place that massive amount of text in your signature into a spoiler, or remove it.
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Ichiro M. Torimo (superhuman) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ichiro M. Torimo (superhuman)   Ichiro M. Torimo (superhuman) I_icon_minitimeMon May 18, 2009 5:43 am

ok and also i was told i needed a bigger rp sample in order to be ascended
Yes that is why i did it i was told it had to be somewhere from 5-7 but i did more XD
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PostSubject: Re: Ichiro M. Torimo (superhuman)   Ichiro M. Torimo (superhuman) I_icon_minitime

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