Walking the barracks again, for so long he tried to forget the feeling of having every one staring at you when you walked by, but now instead of seeing the man that let his former captain just walk away from her duties, they saw a new man a powerful man, a captain. Walking through small crowds just to watch them part like Mose and the red sea was getting kind of to be entertaining for Ice. Turning left as he headed to his new office, stopping at the door and staring at it. It was a mix of feelings in side of Ice, to knock was instinct pounded into his head by years of loyal service but to just walk in was his right now that he had achieved captaincy. With a breathe of relaxing air, Ice entered into his office to see an all ready impressive sized pile of papers. "What a crappy first day." shaking his head as he picked up the top sheet and started to lazily read through it. It was a form asking for his permission to use the 11 squad as protection for a training mission to the world of the living. Apparently they were going to do the hollow elimination course. Signing off on it to use the 11 squad, but only allowing them to take a few of his squad members. He continued to pick up sheet after sheet, and after a short 30 minutes he had managed to go through to dent the pile of paper work. Putting his head down, than lifting it up as he knew it was time. Ice moved to the captains seat, pushed out from the desk and sat down in it. Grinning as he knew he had done it, His goals reached. Ice picked up a few more sheets off the top of the pile of paper work and rushed through them. Looking to the clock on the wall, it was time to get some form of training in for the day. "i wonder where my Lt. is?" walking out of the office, than through the hallways of the squad 11 headquarters. "Any ideas drago where we might find him?" looking down to his zanpakuto. Closing his eyes as drago started to speck, "well when we were promoted from seated officer to Lt. we traveled every inch of our old barracks just to get a feel for the place. I'm sure thats were he is now. If we wait in the office than he'll have to come to us to get his orders for the day." sighing as Ice made his way back to the captains office, going straight to the captains chair leaving the door wide open.