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 Aojiro ~ one of the masked ones

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Aojiro ~ one of the masked ones Empty
PostSubject: Aojiro ~ one of the masked ones   Aojiro ~ one of the masked ones I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 22, 2009 12:07 pm

Name: Zangetsu, Aojiroi (pale moon cutter)

Age: 779

Visual age: between 30 and 40

Ex-Division: 6th

He also has a long black wolf’s tail (explained in background)

Personality: Quite, respectful, kind, gentle and wise. These are all the things people would describe Aojiro as, he never seemed to yell or rise his voice, normally keeping much to himself unless he thinks he has something valid and solid to bring into a heated debate, trying to find a happy medium or solid starting foot to try and stop arguments, feeling that in fighting only weakens a comminatory as a hole and gives any enemy a chance to strike, fiery energy like that is best stored for battle. So far no one had seen him yell out of anger, so when he does rise his voice you know there is something very wrong , he is not one to turn his back on a friend when they are in danger even if it does not look like he will survive himself.

On general he is normally a thinker and lover then a fighter, but knows all too well that their is a time to attack with a blade and not words. He has an uncanny ability to read body language and speech patterns normally meaning that verbally lying to him without the aid of some kind of spell would be pointless.

Human life:
as a Human Aojiro Zangetsu lived an uneventful life, not being able to see spirits clearly till he was in his mid 30s, and even then he just ignored it, thinking too many late nights had his mind playing tricks on him. He was a marred man and father to a beautiful girl, he loved his wife and child dearly and for some time everything seemed perfect, unfortunately it did not last.

Aojiro worked as an homicide investigator for the Tokyo police and has succeeded in tracking down and arresting a number of murders. He got home as his normal late time on a cold and stormy winters night, the lights where on but it was deathly quite, not a sound stirred too brake up the reathem of his heart pounding in his head, there was no TV, no radio, nothing, automatically his heart dived to the bottom of his boots before he reached for his gun and begin to quickly stalk around, not knowing if anyone was still around to try and jump him. It was only when he got to the bed room did his heart die within his living body, he found his wife, naked and tied to the bed, her body covered in blood along with the worlds ‘sweet dreams’ smeared on the walls with her life’s blood.

A dull ‘thunk’ sounded out as his gun hit the floor. He had seen stuff like this hundreds of times, but it was totally different when it was your loved one laying there, his legs became weak, no longer able to support him as he feel to his knees, he felt sick and the need to run to her and hold her, but his ‘cop’ side kicked in and told him not to contaminate the area. It then hit him, what of his daughter? He rushed to her room hoping that she had hidden or had gone over a friends for the night, but as he opened her bedroom door he knew it was not to be, her body lay there on a blood soaked bed, her left arm had been hacked off with a machete that was not laying across the other side of the room. Solemnly he left his house to stand outside in the icy cold rain to call his collages on what happened.

There was no shortage of suspects of who could of did it. Aojiro was sure on one man though, whilst normally everyone he arrested got life or the death penalty there was one man who had gotten away, had slipped free as lack of evidence pin pointing him, one of the most sly and sick men Aojiro had ever seen, he knew that the murder of his family was a revenge killing. A year came and gone, a year Aojiro’s only focuses was that of his own hunt for the murder, for a long time it was two steps forwards and three back but now, now he felt like he was getting somewhere, like some badly directed move it was a tip off that lead him to the man he was after. In the meddle of a drugs hall his target had five men with him, Aojiro cursed, knowing he could not call for backup as questions would be asked, but he also knew that this could be the only chance he got.

His mind made up Aojiro readied his gun, making his move. He shot three of them dead within second, the hot bite hitting his leg a few moments after, getting into cover, his heart was pounding but it was not out of fear. Dawn was breaking over the town when the last shot was fired, Aojiro stood over the bodies of the murderous, blood seeping out of his left and a right leg, that is when it dawned on him, the dark truth of his living for the past year now. He could feel the growing void within him, he was a man that lived for his family, and when they where taken from him he lived for revenge.

And now he did not have that.

Solemnly he pressed the barrel of the gun to his head, close his eyes and squeezed the trigger.

Shinigami life/Gaining a Inner Hollow: Aojiro never stopped looking for his wife and daughter, even when he became a Shinigami and part of the 6th division. He used every spar moment he had to try and track them down, but as the years passed by like weeks he soon gave up hope on seeing them again, wondering if they had already been reincarnated back on earth, but regardless he kept on looking. Over all he found its work in 6th division not all too dissimilar from his work as a human, he even enjoyed working with others of his Division, when he gained the power of Shikai it only reinforced his possession within the Division, being able to rob a targets power meant they could be taken into custody more easily.

There was a few months where Aojiro was worried that he would not be able to serve within the Gotei 13. They did not know if it was some kind of illness or an old injury, but Aojiro was getting strange bouts of dizziness and having problems with his balance, not being able to keep upright he spend may a day on his back in the 4td division wards, wondering what was going to happened to him. That was when he noted the world stopping and turning to grey, a sigh he was slipping into that word between the outer and his own inner world, that his zanpakuto spirit was going to show itself again, a deal was made between him and his old friend, the spirit would fix his inner ear problem, but to do so he would need to add something to Aojiro’s body.

The man agreed, not knowing what he was going to add, but he trusted the zanpakuto non the less. After a few days of sleep he awoke with the problem gone, no dizziness, no wobbling on his feet, but the spirit did keep up the other end of the deal, Aojiro now had a long, jet black wolf’s tail. But despite the add on (that was always hidden underneath some clothing) he was fine, like his body had never had any ailment to being with.

It was when they got an order to keep and eye on one member from the 12th Division something did not feel right. Aojiro knew that sometimes the 12th would do things that others would find questionable but for the most part they where working towers the good of Soul Security, but orders where orders and Aojiro could not go against them, rumours of missing Shinigami soon made there ways around, but all the victims where of unranked members so it was always brushed off as deaths in training or hollow attacks. Aojiro found out that the member from 12th that was under suspicion of experiments on humans souls, the more he was finding out, the less he was liking this at all.

He had found an abandon building belonging to the 12th on the outskirts of the Seiretei. No one was around but he could clearly feel the reiatsu on the man in question around the door way, it was faint like he had not been there for some time, abandoned maybe? He knew that he should of gone back and reported this to his captain but still he wanted to check it out quickly first, get everything he could to report back with, so he snuck in the best he could, keeping his reiatsu down so it was only a shadow of its self, the place was like some strange underground dungeon, it stank of mildew, old stagnant water, blood and other things he did not want to think about, unpleasant by anyone’s standards.

But he could feel something around, but it was either dead or dying, the missing Shinigami maybe? He had to find out, slowly he crept his way down the corridor, reaching a room he peered inside, holding his breath as he saw the outline of a person at the back of the dark room. His eyes adjusting to the darkness he could see that this was some sort of holding cell, the door broken away and laying discarded around the room, but the figure was chained to the wall at the far side, he could tell by the body mass that it had not decayed at all, to walked up to it, making sure it was dead before touching it.

The body held the truth of what was happening down here, the half formed hollow mask was evidence enough, Hollowification experiments, one of the most taboo things to be done within this world. He knew he had to get out of here and fast, but as he went to shunpo away the shadows seemed to shot up around him cutting into hit body like they where blades before the same shadows robbed him of his vision.

What ever powers had captured him they made sure to keep him blindfolded through his following ordeals. Chained and powerless he felt instruments cut his body over and over, like they where hoping to dig something out of him, lucky his zanpakuto did what it could and took his mind away from what was happening, unaware what was going around him for he did not know how long the next thing he can remember is wakening up in the cold and rain, laying in the puddle he knew that this was not Soul Society anymore. It felt like every bone in his body was broken, even his tail, he did not know why he was in the human world or how he got there, but at that point it did not seem to matter much, all he knew it that he had a long and hard road ahead of him.

Time after leaving Soul Society: Aojiro ended up being mostly a ‘self taught Vaizard’ but not gaining full control over his hollow powers till he came into contact with another Vaizard by the name of Sunari, who helped path the way to true Vaizard-hood for him, the two quickly becoming good friends and travailing with each other for some time. His wolf tail seemed to one of his best traits with her but then again she did have wolf ears as well, but after some time he went his own way, but not before promising that he would find her and rejoin her with their advantages again.
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PostSubject: Re: Aojiro ~ one of the masked ones   Aojiro ~ one of the masked ones I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 22, 2009 12:16 pm

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