I realize that i'm not a captain or lieutenant, But these are ancient kidou of the byakku family. If i have to train for them, I guess i will though.
~Eternal Duration, Unless one of the two parties severs the link~
The sentinal is one of the ways the byakku guards the kuchiki family. This kidou will literally link the minds of the kuchiki and their byakku, Allowing them to communicte mentally. However, They cannot read the others mind, Only thoughts sent freely against the link can be heard. However, When this link is first established people will usually broadcast their thoughts on accident, Not used to guarding their minds. If the kuchiki feels strong emotion this will be transmitted automatically as a fail safe. For example if the kuchiki is in extreme fear, The byakku will come rushing. The final and last use of this tech is transference of injury. The byakku can literally assume the injuries of the kuchiki, However, they will take them at full force.
~The tatoo~
The eye tatoo is made using a kidou. This kidou causes the pigmentation in the eye to change, However it causes extreme pain while doing so. It also imbues the eye with extra powers which include increased sight, The ability to see in infrared, And the ability to see reiatsu. However this kidou also causes the eyelid muscles to spasm to the point where they die mostly, Making it so the eye can only be opened a little, Which means these powers cannot be really used, As anything seen through the eye is blurry and out of focus.