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 Hirameki Reborn

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Hirameki Reborn Empty
PostSubject: Hirameki Reborn   Hirameki Reborn I_icon_minitimeFri May 15, 2009 5:23 am

Name: Senro, Hirameki

Age: 950

Visual Age: Early 30's

Gender: Male

Appearance: Often seen in a dark black cloak covered with stained blood. This blood sticks as if from the soul of Hirameki himself. The cloak goes down from a hood topping then flows down to the knees. It is purely black silk and water resistant and fire resistant along with slight shielding of ones reiatsu. Think of this as a diving suit with no mask. Under the hood lie the dark blue eye’s of Hirameki, they seem to even take the form of darting bird eyes. He may often be teased upon as a bird for such an appearance. His hair is shielded from the hood of course but there is a slight showing of it that comes down to the spreading of eyelashes. This showing is that of a deep and dark tannic color. It does not fully shield the eyes of Hirameki take note to this.

Now for under the cloak that shrouds the presence of Hirameki. Hirameki’s true body is to that of a slightly bulked figurine. He has a belt of supplies wrapped in many bags around his waist. Most important “wrapped one” is one that is and sheathe for a one yard long silver black katana. This is his trusted weapon for battle which he treasures with all heart. He wear’s a white espada shirt like most espada do. His pants are that of espada’s wear as well but blood stains are soaked usually upon the pants. He wears sandals of animal skin/hollow skin made purely of spirit particles.

The mask is quite unique, its bone like structure and shape are the lines that are on the side of his cheeks that extend down to the arm.

Personality: Hirameki stands between everything in the universe. Hirameki is a being that does not think of himself to that high of a status. He is a vessel that does what pleases himself, he does not get pleased though easily from the others that surround him. He thinks of others as things that annoy him and almost ignores others completely.

Hirameki you could say “does not play well with others.” He enjoys doing what he pleases as said before thus hates the presence of others around him. Although, he enjoys seeing the sight of other’s “blood.” This makes his personality change in a mere instant as he starts to get overly happy. His thoughts change to battle tactics and fighting gestures. Hirameki takes his stance in plain seconds and targets the being that he wishes to drain of its life force. He is a laid back kind of man that has little friends and loves to fight. That is a short view of his personality more is shaped onto Hirameki's personality as he begins to take place in multiple events.

History: A shredded red figure would slowly fall limp upon the ground with a hard thud.

“AAAAAAAH!” Was heard from the being that slowly exiled itself from existence.

The face of this being was that of many scar’s bringing upon multiple bleeding spots and a ripped open skull. The rest of the body was unable to be seen. All that would be showed for sight was a dark red liquid that would throw itself upon the surrounding of the body. The soil was to that of a light one, but its setting itself was dark. It was a tanned sand surrounding filled with complete blood from the being that had just been torn to complete pieces.

The being was a human, a human which had obviously been consumed by someone, or something. This body would stand completely still upon the desert sand as view shifted to a dark blood shrouded being. It stood still in a 190 degrees angle to the shredded human. A dark being towered upon the human 30 feet high and 14 feet wide. It had the shape to that of a blob, and it was dark grey. Its eye’s were yellow it seemed, but not surely as this was covered by a mask to that of a bull head. The arms of the towering figure were long and had sharp claws. These claws were drowned in blood; this looked like a combination of more then one “human soul.” The human which had been consumed, slowly made it's control of the dark being.

The towering being shifted its gaze backwards as it fully turned itself with hard but frozen feet. Its gaze was to that now of a forest that was deep into the ground. This was unsure to even be a forest though at first. But noted upon this deserted area it definitely was. The only problem about this forest was, it contained that of evil soul sucking creatures. But this was not all that contained itself within the forest, there was also many decaying tree’s that still stood tall in dark green color with seemed to come to the height of the sand.

At the sight of this forest the being smiled an evil smile as his gaze lifted to the left and right.

“It seems…….THERES SOME FOOD.” He said in dark and deep voice in a war cry shout. Once finished with this shout he lifted his body up in a tip-toe stance. In this stance he instantly shot himself forward in a dash. Behind him left nothing, not even the human from earlier. It seemed that had decayed into the sandy desert called “Hueco Mondo.” But there was one thing that was left behind him; this was a trail of huge footprints and dust that circled in high winds which erased themselves quickly to the environment. Upon running the being looked left and right confused it seemed, but also hungry as he grumbled. There was no sight of beauty in this territory, merely dark and evil presences of beings like the one that ran itself near to the forest.

In a couple of mere minutes because of the speed of the dark being he arrived. He was at the edge of a deep hole that led into a dark pit called the forest. At his heel’s edged themselves closer and closer the dark being became hungrier. He was ready to devour what he wanted the most at this moment and any moment, hollow brethren or souls.

Once his heel’s felt the inspiring soil of spiritual pressure they seemed to act upon there own wanting. They dove themselves down in a shooting position. But there was no harm as the air breezed the hollow and he fell down on harder of sand. He simply grumbled in annoyance. His first sight was ten hollow which surrounded the following area. They were all to the shape of cats that were well, overgrown just like this dark being that landed.

There sight instantly shifted to his position upon his fall. Under them though before they looked at the dark figure was a funny sight to him. It was a shredded human just like the one he had eaten earlier. But it was more, consumed you could say. Since there was only a grey blood sank head remaining. Under this head of course also was a high amount of red liquid called, blood.

“Well……You know the deal right kitties, fight to the death blah whoever wins gets to be stronger…….”He said in a deep voice once again as he ran towards the cat shaped things called “hollow.” But as he approached he raised his speed in almost an instant and disappeared to the left side of all of them and shot his left hand forward. What came from this? What came was a sound wave which split the heavens of ears seemingly. All the walls cried in pain as they rumbled around and a tree fell and rot in mere seconds upon landing. As the sounds came all the cats exploded in a mere second and as a result the dark being slowly consumed there energy. As he did his body shot in sparks. He was transforming into something even stronger.

In mere seconds his body shifted to a humanoid figure and he wore a dark black cloak to his knees with dark blue eyes looking left and right. As this transformation ended he laughed in a more light tone.

“FINALLY I AM NOW RULER OF ALL YOU WEAKLINGS HAHAHAHAHAHA,” He said in a yell as he raised his fist high up and slowly brought them down. This, was truly a beginning to that of a arrancar. Quickly the end came for this arrancar, not necessarily quickly, but quick in the world of the dead that is. Years after becoming an arrancar, Hirameki became segunda. His fun ended 100 years later as he seemingly died. The truth to Hirameki's defeat was that he had escaped Las Noches. Only to be remembered by a few. He had been banished for a while and he had no thoughts of going back, until 100 more years later after training himself, Hirameki's ressurection had been changed and so had almost his entire being due to feeding.

Innate Ability: Over the years of training in the forests of the menos and feeding, killing, Hirameki has gained the ability of heightened speed. Hirameki's speed is double of a normal arrancar in ressurection. If Hirameki reaches the rank up Espada, his speed is double of an Espada in ressurection. The speed of Hirameki isn't faster then the Espada with fastest sonido.
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PostSubject: Re: Hirameki Reborn   Hirameki Reborn I_icon_minitimeFri May 15, 2009 5:27 am

RP Sample: Just Exterminating Some Shinigami In Another Rpg (Npc's.)

The man, in a small dark coat covering him up to his feet would move through the jungle slowly and carefully watching others. Covering spirit pressure as the tourist’s raised forward immediately upon arrival he would move the hood slightly open and off his head to reveal red eyes of dark color glaring at a small group of tourists.
"A mission to not go crazy.........dammit I thought I could get in a few good kills in the city,” The man in the dark cloak would whisper to himself grey winds breaking him down as he would still be eyeing the tourists as rain, small rain would come forth.
Start Flashback
Murco quickly raced through the training grounds, the area had shinigami rip off's and white blocks everywhere blocking most locations of the wide open space. The room was completely white until Murco shed his own blood upon the floors of the area. The shinigami dolls looked like exact replica's you could say as they looked as dumb as ever it would probably be hard to tell them apart. But then came a arrancar foe as I back flipped just in time as he brought two turquoise blades almost splitting the ground's surface.
"Oh finally a true opponent sheesh I was getting bored," Murco moved his head to the left slowly whispering in sarcasm holding his left shoulder hard with rage. His left shoulder had let out to much blood for comfort; he had gotten completely taken down from the simple training itself.
"Don't talk weak arrancar just let me kill you,” The arrancar would respond as he held both blades in one hand as a bright light would come forth as he would do so. With this light disappearing slowly you could see a dark black blade come forth. With this there came no more waiting for the other, he attacked in a hard lunge disappearing in multiple sonido's and into Murco's face bringing the blade to his left shoulder.

"DAMMIT AAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,"Murco screeched in pain as a pool of blood oozed from his shoulder gushing like a waterfall coming down. But Murco remained calm in place as he back flipped quickly letting go of his shoulder and unsheathing his blade in the back flip. Showing his blade with his left hand in front he unleashed it towards his opponent in a hard dash almost seeming to disappear he quickly arrived in front of his opponent blade coming down to cut him down. Before Murco could do so he looked to his left putting his right finger on his right ear listening closely.
"Report to the real world immediately we already have a garganta set up for you Murco. Hurry up it would most displease me to see you disobeying me,” Was the small voice Murco heard come from his ear as his opponent ignoring such comments unleashed his blade to Murco once more. But Murco, having his left hand still on his blade moved it quickly to block then shooting the blade up his opponent looked mad of rage as his blade disappeared into darkness.
"You lose weakling, now I have something important to do goodbye,” The man unsheathing his blade named Murco disappeared in a dash towards the exit moving quickly past healing getting healed bit by bit through the hall way's by some sort of machine attached to the area Murco jumped off the wall in a hard boom crashing down the wall but arriving quickly to the room of Dante his master and commander. Slowly opening the door respectfully Murco took note to look at his shoulder making sure all blood would have disappeared. As it seemed it was all gone along with any marks upon his clothes or body he closed his eyes and opened the door face down and in a knee. The room was dark black on the side walls huge for what looked small from the outside and it could probably go on for miles but right in the middle was a stand for Dante to sit on.
"Murco Tesigo reporting may I ask where the garganta is to get along with my mission,” The man coming through the door in a knee would say in a calm and respectful voice eyes still closed.
"Oh be calm I don't bite, much. Stand up and look at me. You're garganta is set up a few door's away from here by you're fellow arrancar," Dante would calmly say his words in not a hard voice but commandingly calm with full control. Murco standing up would look at Dante eyes open and bowing then slowly moving out of the room still looking back to the size.

But moving on quickly at the same time closing the door and disappearing in a dash towards multiple rooms. It wouldn't be much fun to have to look at them all so, BOOM Murco shot his fist into the middle of them all and all the walls broke down into the Earth. Hopefully Dante didn't notice that. Murco looking to the one all the way left holding two arrancar left and right to each other whispering he jumped in. Wanting to hopefully ask what they were talking about he already went too far and kept going through the room and in the large jump went through the garganta prepared for him. He looked through the dark space as if he really was falling into nothing but instead he appeared in the bright sun of a forest looking around on the ground Murco tried to recover a bit.
"HEY HEY DID YOU HEAR ABOUT SARAH GETTING LIKE THAT NEW JOB!,” People were shouting and yelling everywhere as they held camera's up to each other smiling. Wow idiots I hate humans so much Then a dark cloak surrounded Murco as he was still on the ground slowly getting up.
"Ok............,"Murco whispered as he slowly moved through the forest the bright sun slowly being covered by dark clouds. Then Murco bumped into someone with the same dark cloak. He had a hole in his chest like Murco but was completely covered.
"You're mission, is to kill a few shinigami near the river near by, kill secretly though,” Was all he would say in a whisper then disappeared as if that didn't matter at all and Murco had no questions. Rude much was all he could think to himself as the man disappeared.
End Flashback

His red eyes would slowly shift off the tourists which held no information slowly moved throughout the area. Shifting the eye's multiple times he got sight of water, much water. Far away though, it would be a pain to get there. But orders are order's he guessed. (I never WAS told to not kill other people…...)He sighed looking out upon a few camping spots slowly moving throughout the area. The figure then jumped, jumped as high as he could land in the sky probably a mile from the area. As the figure appeared in the sky he was still un-noticed by any shinigami from the water. What would they be doing here anyway? Must have been squad 12 researcher's or the figure had nicknamed them, further beyond in the art of scum idiocy. Looking down upon the area of soul's he unsheathed his blade held down upon them with pouring rain covering it at the same time sliding off it. Then he moved using the sky as a boost he kept shooting himself to the ground with his left foot peddling in multiple shots of air waves in the sky leaving the figure’s spirit (Continues)
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Hirameki Reborn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hirameki Reborn   Hirameki Reborn I_icon_minitimeFri May 15, 2009 5:27 am

Part two of the Rp Sample.

pressure down of course. But this maybe unleash a sudden scare to the shinigami probably three miles away from the area.
"Oh hello little soul's you look so tasty mind if I kill you and eat you, Oh I didn't think so,” He shouted as He landed in a crater causing lard screams instantly upon hit and multiple stares from the tourists. They all ran to the sight of the crater dashing with camera's of sorts but the figure would already be gone behind there grouped circle. Holding blade out to them all he appeared behind the first on all the way left bringing the blade down upon his head slowly letting the blood gush out of his body. Then more stare's came along with the running, no one could escape though as he slowly disappeared to the next one continuing the harsh pattern until all of them were in chains. They all noticed the figure standing there unharmed and confused. But then he picked up a little girl by the hair and slowly put her into his mouth, with the mouth extending long enough for the small body she completely disappeared to his stomach except for her blood that he slowly spit out with her bones into a pool of blood.
"Now WHO'S NEXT?" The man yelled to the group that had no control to run away as they were stuck to there body's still as he raised his left hand which contained a blade.
"YOU.......MONSTER!!!!!!!!!,"A women would scream to him as he slowly moved his head towards her glaring his dark red eye's to her blue eye's that slowly teared up.

"Well.......There's my volunteer,” He whispered as a large wind came over him, dark cloud's crashing against each other with the rain growing in strength. The figure rushed towards the probably girl in her 30's with blonde hair and pink shirt right hand out. Then he listened closely coming to a hard stop, it was the shinigami they had noticed the increase. (I had better get going since well I need to assassinate them.) Still looking to the girl her tear's rised more and more as he would only laugh disappearing next to her grabbing the chain from her chest and jumping through the trees of the totally pale but bright green forest. Not looking back to the mumbling and crying tourists of the dead. The figure kept going, going until he was at least a mile from the area. But with the annoyance of the girl in his hand growing bigger he looked at her and ripped off her arm that had kept pulling.
"AAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!," She cried in pain as the figure unsheathed a blade and put his left hand over her mouth to avoid attention as they landed in a non populated area.
"Feasting time little soul,” He whispered as a dark aura covered him and he grabbed her by the hair and slowly put her into his mouth like the little girl from before but munching hard on her as she cried in little non heard moans. As the figure finished the meal he looked out to his east to where the River would be. No doubt the shinigami idiot's had finished there soul burial's and went back to there area for further research. They would probaly be on guard though, which was going to be the hard part about killing them silently. Well, even though killing them right away would be most fun he might as well gather information. He thought, as the figure quickly raced through the trees of the forest looking left and right still having the cloak on and spirit pressure lower then before. Moving his way through the tree's that had been poured down upon the hard rain he looked to the sky as the rain stopped and a sun came out. The sun, what a waste of energy why can't it just be gone and leave the darkness alone? He thought as the figure dashed off trees faster and faster getting closer and closer to his destination. Looking down to a small trail to the left he back flipped in a total 360 circle landing on his feet, to the trail.

Dusting off the feet upon the landing the figure looked around the area multiple times in all directions to see if any shinigami saw him hopping on trees. For two minutes he had checked high and low, left and right, and back. Swirling around multiple times still keeping spirit pressure and reiatsu low then finally finished his search around the area for no shinigami. For now at least as soon he would have to meet up with them as they had only been half a mile away now. Shifting his eye's to the back I saw a forty two year old man who had a chain on his stomach glaring at the figure in distant horror.
"Well well well, you’re one of the people from earlier aren't you? HAHAHAHAHA well it's to bad you didn't have a burial,” He quickly rushed in words as the figure slowly whispered loud enough for the man to hear leaving only complete evil in the words. Gripping the handle of his sealed blade he slowly removed it from it's deep slumber of it's sheathe and moving it above the figure letting all light shine upon it as he brought it over his shoulder running towards the soul as he started running away then fell and at that moment got sliced in half. Looking towards his old body the figure slowly moved his lip and neck back then forward releasing a small shot of spit towards the man's upper half body.
"N.......,"Was his last word in a slow whisper to not be heard by anyone, or by maybe someone. He looked over his shoulder as the figure felt multiple reiatsu levels of non human level appear behind him. Shifting the eye's to his shoulder he looked in a deep glare as the sun slowly set in front of the figure.
"Who is that? How can he sense us?" Multiple questions raised from the probably group of about four shinigami looking at my dark cloak's back. All that the figure could handle to do was leave a slight chuckle to the now cleared area of tourists with the river to the shinigami's back. The figure answered the first question for them but it wasn't there most happy thing to hear.

"I’m an arrancar, also known as Murco Tesigo at your service weaklings,” He would yell out as he brought his right hand to the button of his dark black cloak clipping it off and throwing it into the wind. It seemed as if he got stronger for some reason as the mask of reiatsu faded into an explosion of winds. (I guess this would be a fail to my mission but no matter I really want to kill them as harshly as possible.)
"Ya right, you're to weak to be one of our samples...........,"The figure cut him off on weak instantly glaring him in the eye's as he dashed towards him releasing his blade in his left hand at a intense speed through his heart holding him up in the air and slowly moving him to the left. Then the figure let go of his weak body thrashing it into ten trees to the left and into the river leaving him to drown. Hearing only his small screeches of pain and suffering slowly fading into a deep silence apon the area.
"Now you weaklings are next, that was simply the warm up,” The fiugre yelled out upon them as he slowly spit a piece of blood upon the ground, but not painful blood merely just to tease the shinigami. Then he dashed towards them quickly with blade to the ground leaving small screeches upon the land as he brought it up slowly to the middle shinigami but only to be blocked by the middle shinigami.
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Hirameki Reborn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hirameki Reborn   Hirameki Reborn I_icon_minitimeFri May 15, 2009 5:27 am

Part Three Of Rp Sample

"Speed, Medium Level, Strength Slightly powerful,” He heard him say as the fiugre back flipped and shot back at him three time's in a row only to be blocked once more as the sparks flew and the other two stood there unsheathing there blade's and looking at the small clash carefully with narrowed glares.
"Aren't you going to help?” He would yell out to the two standing behind the middle shinigami still with narrowed eyes.

"We are analyzing, action is not required yet fool,” The left one would say shifting his glass slowly closes both eye's in self confidence. (Well it's boring to kill one at a time but whatever I guess.) He thought to himself as the figure back flipped off two tree's forty yards away from them glaring at the middle one who stood his grounds. Until suddenly when he saw the figure distracted and disappeared in a flash step behind the figure releasing his blade a little bit upon the shoulder of the figure as he dodged in a small roll to the right.
"Correction speed level is slightly higher then expected,” He would say as he would keep his blade down to where he slashed slowly moving up and standing firm looking at the figure.
"What the hell are you, Oh whatever I don't care,” The fiugre asked as a small wind of leafs came by him and he disappeared moving left and right but then at the end coming straight forward towards with blade coming down upon the middle shinigami's face. He quickly dodged though in a flash step into the air coming down by slowly moving his blade in a circle.
"Sway Quickly Pharso," He whispered as his blade turned three yards wide coming down at Murco quickly. As he came close enough to slash at Murco the other two shinigami moved there blades forward as well towards me.
"Break through the Heavens Myhto, Deepen You're Heart Abaseo," The left and right shinigami both said together as the left one's blade turned brown and had earth covering the tip. As the right's blade turned pink in color releasing small flames every few seconds from the sides.
"Oh crap," Murco whispered as everything came at once in a huge attack earth coming up from the ground in many small pieces like gun shot's from all my directions none aiming at me with only the left shinigami raising his blade. For the right shinigami he jumped up and in a spin shot a fireball into a huge tornado that the middle shinigami created. With the fire and wind combining and earth blocking Murco’s path he looked in all directions confused until he finally exploded in rage.

"What a weakling he wasn't even worth the challenge, but who could beat this combination,” The middle one said as he disappeared to the middle of the left and right shinigami. Until they then realized the true power of arrancar staring at the sudden increase to his reiatsu.
"EXPLODE AND FEED DESTRU ENDO!!!!!!!!!!!,"Murco yelled to the sky looking with his dark evil red eyes. The power of there attacks slowly moved back and stayed away for a few seconds as Murco’s body turned ten feet high and eight feet wide. The needle's upon his forehead slowly creeped down Murco’s body multiplying until it reached one hundred needles down his back. His skin then slowly turned bright grey as the clothes turned brown with white covering only the stomach noted as the mask. Once the transformation completed everything rushed back to reality with Murco closing his eyes slowly as one hundred needle's surrounded in sphere around him spread out to take the attack completely.
It worked, there attack faded as the needles did the same with Murco running faster then before already to the disappearance of the attacks. The needles upon his back slowly reappearing as he grabbed twenty five in his right hand for later. Then making it to the middle shinigami he unleashed another massive wind to Murco but he quickly dodged seeing as it had been easy to sense. With only a few cuts hitting Murco he punched the middle shinigami in the face directly into a tree behind the two others.
"I think we have had a little miscalculation....It would be a good idea to retreat," The right one whispered as Murco back flipped and jumped through the sky looking down upon them and shooting down immediately towards them in there short conversation.
"Sorry but I CAN"T LET YOU GO ANYWHERE," He screamed as Murco landed in front of the left one who had looked at me right in the eye's as Murco brought his left fist to his face but with the right shinigami quickly reacting by shooting a large fireball towards Murco along with the middle shinigami. Who appeared thirty yards behind Murco and shot a wind wave to increase the power and hopefully cut Murco in half. But with this he quickly jumped into the air as the right shinigami was cut in half by the winds that only made the flame bigger, to much bigger though.

"AAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!," Murco heard the right shinigami scream as his zanpaktou slowly faded away with him, laying in a bloody mess. Then the left shinigami who had still been looking at Murco but now in quiet, rage swung his blade down upon Murco with probably ten thousand mini rock's from the Earth's surface two which had cut through Murco but only ten others hit him as all the others Murco dodged easily by back flipping into the air and behind the wind shinigami who slowly brought his blade to his right.
"We can't let this go on any longer!!!!!! WE HAVE ALREADY LET TWO PEOPLE DIE!!!!!," The wind shinigami, also known as the middle shinigami screamed as he disappeared in many flash step's around Murco in different patterns to hopefully confuse him. He then appeared in the air swinging his blade in all directions shooting multiple air waves invisible to Murco’s eye at him cutting him everywhere.
"Dammit..........shinigami scum that hurt,” Murco whispered in a calm tone as all his needle's recovered on his back and he glared at the shinigami above him with the left shinigami thirty yards away from Murco dashing shooting up multiple rock's towards him by plugging his blade into the ground as he moved closer, and closer. Murco then dashed forward at him as well but then as he came close enough to slice Murco back flipped to the landing air shinigami and glared at him in the eyes as he brought down his blade to the shinigami’s head cutting him in half in a pool of blood and limbs.
"Heh........In this game you can die all so easily weakling,” Murco whispered as he looked forward to the remaining shinigami. He stopped in his tracks though in small tears looking at Murco with burning rage which incased his heart.
"ILL GET REVENGE FOR MY TEAMMATES AND ILL KILL YOU SCUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!," He yelled out to Murco as he dashed forward with him coming at a rather slower pace in flash steps. Then Murco and the shinigami clashed directly to each other with four needles in Murco’s left knuckles spread out to the side and the side of his
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Hirameki Reborn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hirameki Reborn   Hirameki Reborn I_icon_minitimeFri May 15, 2009 5:28 am

Final of Rp Sample

blade. Tear's rushing down his face he was shot backwards into a tree slowly getting up in a knee. Murco then made his way up to the sky looking down upon him as he would be fifty yards away.

"Well I certainly didn't kill these guy's secretly,” He whispered as the five needle's which Murco stored from before came up and floated above his palms as he lifted them as well with the twenty five needle's on his back in a sphere with small black energy slowly forming bigger and bigger inside. Murco’s muscles at the same time vanishing but with the dark formed ball getting bigger and bigger. The shinigami only watched in horror though as he raised pebbles from the ground once again but this time they would be forming bigger and bigger just like Murco’s ball of energy. He and Murco waited, him looking up at Murco and Murco himself looking down at him as the power and reiatsu throughout the area grew bigger.
"This is my most powerful move, ILL CRUSH U!!!!!," He said as Murco and his attack's grew to there expected sizes each one probably being two hundred yards wide and high. Murco looked down at him in boredom though as his attack was launched, thrown down upon his moving quickly as he would also throw his at Murco’s, both attack's moving at a quick pace. Clashing in mid air to the middle of them, he smiled but still had the small tear's incase his face.
"WHATS TO SMILE ABOUT IDIOT YOU'RE GOING TO DIE!!!!!!!," He made his smile bigger as his boulder started breaking through Murco’s attack somehow. Then Murco smiled though, as he looked horrified towards Murco probably asking him, what is he planning? But then as his attack drove Murco’s back his attack shot up to one thousand beams of darkness throughout the area, and the shinigami’s attack. Driving the shinigami’s attack into multiple pieces of mud it was completely melted as Murco’s attack shot through his entirely and breaking trees and earth around it as it drew closer and closer to the earth wielder. He then put down his zanpaktou in front of him slowly as the attack incased him. There seemed to be no reason for that but no matter he was dead completely over taken by the attack.

Murco looked out to the sun and felt the sudden pain from earlier attacks incase his body as I slowly moved down to the ground. Murco then looked out everywhere throughout the forest seeing huge crater’s and broken tree branches everywhere. Then sighing he sat down upon one tree that stood there with the earth wielder's zanpaktou stuck into the tree.
"WILL SOMEONE GET ME OUTTA HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,"He yelled out in a loud screech upon the area then sighing deeply as he put his head down returning to his normal form figure with the body fat disappearing first. Murco then quickly moved his head up as two hollow of large shape appeared releasing a dark portal to a dark desert in front of Murco.
"Thank you very much," Murco whispered as he slowly moved through the garganta with the blood of the hollow who had arrived to much request covering the trail that Murco had left hearing mere cries only of complaint of weak hollow.
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PostSubject: Re: Hirameki Reborn   Hirameki Reborn I_icon_minitimeFri May 15, 2009 5:53 am

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