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 Captain of Squad Two

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Captain of Squad Two Empty
PostSubject: Captain of Squad Two   Captain of Squad Two I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 02, 2009 7:11 pm

Name: Shihouin Kisho
Nickname: Flicker, Little Conqueror
Age: 436

Visual Age: Early 20’s

Gender: Male

Division: 2nd

Captain of Squad Two Okamura_Eizo_by_Marcks-1
The first thing one notice’s about Kisho’s is that his eyes seem to hold warmth and comfort, the cool calming green of his eyes reflects like a surface of water and you are the drop, you ripple and then vanish beneath his collective surface. Long brown hair stouts his unnaturally tall frame, the majority of his hair is draping over his face and has some reddish tips and strands running through it.. His mouth has a permanent smirk on it, like he is ready to go any time any place; his nose is positioned just so on his face that it doesn’t matter the angle, his face is always in the perfect picture mode. A white tattoo is under right eye, it appears to be several white feathers almost like eyelashes. When you look into his eyes, you see dark and unwavering, they hold sadness and determination; right away, you can tell that this one has aspirations.
On top of his head, brown hair is cut back and gives him long bangs, and he lets it naturally fall on his head almost a wind touched look to it.
Some would consider him skinny and he is, but after training his entire life his body is covered in muscle. While he is not overly muscular he is toned and has not an inch of fat on him. His shoulders are eternally wrapped in bandages, each crossing under the arm and wrapping into the centre connecting with each other across his pecks and upper back. His skin, while battle worn is still soft too the touch due to the care he gives it. Three scars decorate his body, each a reminder of a time once forgotten. One across his stomach going from the kidney down to his “upper” thigh, the second one going from the back of his left leg going down to his knee cap, and the third is directly under his armpit going across to his peck then slighting shifting left for about an inch. His ears are small and concealed by his hair, his black eyebrows off set his pointed nose giving him a rather detrimental look. By a previous training grounds, his body is toned to near perfection, but he is more graceful and agile then most believe.

Personal Information
*Poking Fun*
*His alone time*
*Not being bothered*
*Young Officers*
*Needless violence*
*Emotional beings*
*Restricted things/secrets*
*A good majority of his peers and fellow captains*
*Walking away*
*Cold stern reality*
*Crushing dreams and hopes*
*Believing he is better than you*
*None, Kisho rarely gets frustrated, or shows any emotion, even in combat*
*People talking down/up to superiors*
General Personality Overview:
Kisho always believed in justice and a sense of duty to ones own, he truly lives by the way of the sword. His sense of duty comes from the previous captain of the 2nd division who bestowed a sense of purpose and honor which he now carries with him in both memory and spirit. Kisho has always fought for himself striving to be the fastest, the one who jumps the highest, who can run the furthest. While Kisho is still considered young, or what others refer to as a “fledgling” he is idealistic and he brings a strong sense of relationship and familiarity when he is around.

He is willing to forgo any and all notions of mainstream and peer pressure, often times striving his own path or going against the beliefs of others in order to achieve victory. Around people, Kisho acts as natural as he can; perceivably he lets his guard down, pretends to let people into his inner world, and of course makes the person he is talking to feel like the center of attention. He strives to be equal with the one he is talking to, never flaunting his position, never talking down or up, just ready to offer a helping hand when one falls down.

Currently Kisho has become a iron willed individual, he is duty bound to the Shihouin’s and will not deviate from them, he is weary of the that purpose, but goes along with it because of a sense of making a good difference instead of just a difference; his own honor protects him from the “riggers” of regular shinigami. Over the years Kisho has gained a sense of superiority, believing that he is destined to help reclaim Soul Society from the evil clutches of “them”. He is now striving to bring the 2nd division to the forefront of shinigami life style, wanting them to not only be the best but achieve it as well. While some may say, he is a open and shut individual, Kisho only lets those close to him in; all others are considered possible “traitors” to the his cause and cannot be trusted. Kisho is a project person, he never likes to have one thing going at a time, he always likes to be busy, different tactics, different angles, he even goes so far as to help others in order to advance another line instead of pushing them back.

Kisho has always been a keen eye, not to say he is without flaws, but he prides himself on a motto of sorts “All the knowledge in the world can’t help, if you can’t apply it”. Which is odd sense Kisho is more of a doer than a thinker, but when it comes right down to it he feels that if you want something done right, there is only one person than can. Kisho is not a quick thinker, in the sense of battles or politics, his wit and sarcasms are bar none, but when it comes to battle tactics and political maneuvers. Kisho prefers to take his time, or more accurately bide his time. If and when he goes at something 100% he can be one of the most dangerous people on the planet, calculating every move, every play, every battle down to the victor in minutes; he leaves no room for surprises or pauses. He plays his life like a giant risk battle, once he has what he wants he guards is jealously until such a time where he can sweep up the odds and ends.

Last edited by Flicker on Fri Apr 03, 2009 10:45 am; edited 1 time in total
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Captain of Squad Two Empty
PostSubject: Re: Captain of Squad Two   Captain of Squad Two I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 02, 2009 7:11 pm

Historical Information
Life as a Human: Was never a human
Death: Never died

As a Soul: Born into the Muromachi Period of Japan history, born is the wrong term here, Kisho was never born into the real world, he was born into Soul Society. He was born of two socialite parents, his mother was an extreme activists in the social scene, often having parties and get together, his father was a man that all the men wanted to be around, making jokes, having good conversation, and yet he was the strictest man Kisho ever knew. Blessed with stability and security, Kisho was whisked away during his youth to become a “true” Shihouin. Training in not only the arts of swordsmanship but also of tactics and strategy, his teachers were old veterans of the military and only taught old school ways, such as surprise and assaults to, sieges and fortifications. Kisho was an only child, born a chubby and large baby, Kisho was thought to become pudgy and obese in his youth and so to counter this he was sent away to a Shihouin training grounds for the first 10 years of his life.

During his time at the training grounds, Kisho found comfort in the form of poetry, often times writing ballads and strings instead of doing the proper exercises. Kisho was ridiculed during his beginning years for being a pudgy and winded child, always falling behind in running contests, even basic sword play Kisho was lagging due to his larger than normal size. Art was always a Kisho’s favorite past times and often painting or poems were used to relive stress. Shihouins’s family library has saved all the poems, art and written word by Kisho.
His most famous poem

The battle of heart

The warriors stand
The beats of the drum rumble
The heart of my heart

The song has been sung
The day has come for my heart
The heart of my heart

Hundreds march along
Burning of my soul quickens
The heart of my heart

Never knowing fate
Wishing for mine to hold me
The heart of my heart

Taking the reigns
Holding fast to what I know
The heart of my heart

Time has come for me
Taking what I treasure most
The battle of heart

Severity Years: To this day Kisho doesn’t talk about what actually happened in the Shihouin “training” facilities, he “quietly” pushed it under the rug.

At the crisp age of 12 Kisho was sent to specialists, or more properly a “trainer” who guaranteed to relieve those extra Kisho’s. Kisho was not the only child to attend this camp; he was one of seven children, all with the same build and physique as himself.

The camp was run by 12 older shinigami, all with Adonis bodies, perfectly formed, golden hair, tan, nearly perfect in everyway. Every day different activities were preformed, running three times a week, swimming, jumping, all exercise, each and every day for 60 years.

At the training grounds the seven individuals slowly became friends, each of them had their own problems outside of there weight. From problems with anger, love, jealously, vanity, thirst and greed and laziness were all attributed to there proper owners. Training every day was one thing, but being humiliated and degraded was completely another, pushed to ones limits only to have them thrown back in your face as worthless slowly takes its toll on children. The boys slowly became increasingly insecure about there masculinity and the girls became increasingly aware of there short comings with there bodies. Over the course of the years the children were put through the riggers of manual labor, forced combat and constant contests of strength, endurance, and ability. Constantly compared to the perfect bodies of the trainers, and other more perfect specimens; slowly the training facility got worse, diet was severely restricted, sleeping hours were drastically reduced, and every day a contest was held to see who would sleep the entire night. As morale reached its all time low the children started to congregate together, at first the girls slowly became friends, then the boys soon followed. Exhausted from the labors of the day the children really had no time to become friends or even to get to know each other, deprived of all names and titles they only knew the names the trainers called them. Lust, Wrath, Pride, Sloth, Gluttony, Greed, and Envy were born, the idea was sparked by Kisho himself and his readings of a new judo-Christian book that had founds its way into the Shihouin library. Considered to be the most horridness of all the wrong doings, Kisho thought that this would be a good name for the children, the seven deadly sins.

Life was especially hard to Kisho, he was the slowest runner, the first to faint from exhaustion, and the first to finish his meal. The weight was extremely hard for him to lose, but never the less they pushed him just as or harder than the rest. Often times rousing him out of bed in the middle of the night for runs, or simply making him run extra or longer than the others, but his determination kept him going; Kisho felt that he not only needed to prove himself to the others, but to himself as well, and sure enough, slowly and steadily he became the fastest running in the group, and then pretty soon he outdistanced them all, and after all that work the pounds literally melted off of his body.

The final years were the best at the facility, the children had all grown up and shed there unwanted pounds and each was in perfect physical condition, nearly exact models of their trainers. Instead of daily works of manual labor, or running, swimming or things of that nature, the adults were pitted against each other every day, from close combat to using sticks or branches, each person exceeded in one area. The girls became prolific hard solid strikes, simply beating up the boys worse then they could to them. The boys mastered the art of using weapons to there advantage, all except for Kisho, he was the last of the children to shed his pounds, but he became the fastest runner, the one able to go on to the every end. Kisho became the expert at hand to hand combat, using he advantageous speed to land quick and coordinated blows before they could land one, he ducked and dodged, Kisho fought with his legs, spinning and kicking, keeping perfect balance and being extremely graceful and elegant at the same time. But as all things do, the camp had to end, and literally what seemed like a life time ago, Kisho and the group split up and went back to there respected families, slimmer, trimmer, better, and all together different than when they entered.

Academy/Shinigami Years:

It’s funny to think that such good friends could simply up and leave like that, but at informal graduation each went there own way, or at least each followed there own personal philosophy in life. Some went back to there families and remained, others went to pursuer a more natural lifestyle, and two of them went on to join the Academy, to again take up the riggers of a new lifestyle.

Kisho and the boy dubbed Wrath both went on to the Academy, upon which they learned each other’s true identity, Wrath was a noble born just like Kisho, but instead of being at the high end of the spectrum, he was nearly at the bottom, much later did Kisho learn that it nearly bankrupted Wraths family to send him to the training grounds. Pitted against both above and below average persons, Kisho and Wrath slowly excelled at there respected fields; Wrath outdistanced his fellow classmates with his impressive stamina, but more so with his uncanny ability to fight and win with any weapon handed to him. Kisho became the best at hand to hand combat preferring more of a foot to hand combat, using his speed and grace to wear out the opponent, all the while dodging nearly every blow, soon Kisho was the fastest student, outclassing even some of the rather regular instructors. At the end of the Academy years, both Kisho and Wrath were recognized for there expert abilities, and hand selected to become part of the Gotei 13 before the rest of the students.

Kisho was initially picked up by the 11th division for his abilities in hand to hand and speed, but seeing as Wrath was also in that division, Kisho was given the option to join the sixth, which he gladly accepted. His skills were honed by a very illustrious captain in the styles of speed and grace who later went on to train the future generations, who not only prided himself on speed and stamina, but also grace and elegance. Kisho had trouble within his beginning years with the 6th division, he was completely foreign to the workings of the Shinigami, and once he was given a zanpakuto it became all the worse.

Not only did he have to content with other more advance people, he also had to master a zanpakuto and learn the graces of being an officer. His very first seat was the bottom, which he was extremely proud of, beating the other officer because he couldn’t use basic shunpo. Kisho prided himself on being able to beat a seated officer without even drawing his sword, but then again he still had 19 more rungs to climb before the top.

The way in which he learned his zankaputo’s true identity was a near complete accident, like all younger men, Kisho wasn’t awash to holding contests of might and prowess with other men, or depending on the time, women. A race lapping the outer wall sounded simple enough, but if caught it could mean disaster if there captain found out. The prize was being held by the Vice Captain, at the time it was the most wonderful gift any sub par officer could receive, a week of training with the Vice Captain and a chance to move up a couple of ranks after that. As the race started, Kisho started to lag behind, obviously these individuals were much more trained than he was, but Kisho was one major advantage on his side, his skills were honed, and his legs were incredibly strong. Kisho started sprinting; the more advance students could use minor shunpo, hopping distances with more difficultly than it would take to run. Kisho flattened his body, his training with balance proved itself, he was running with just his legs, his body had flattened to stream line height; he quickly out paced the students simply running, and had ground between those using minor shunpo. Kisho was faced with a choice, try to out run the older students, or try a new tactic in order to beat them, Kisho chose the latter. Running up the wall, Kisho ran on the wall, using his speed to equal the gap, pushing himself beyond his normal speed, Kisho was running as fast as those using flash steps, he grabbed his sword and took it out of his belt, scabbard and all and held it across his chest as a balancing beam, in all truth Kisho doesn’t know exactly what happened, one minute he was running, the next it seemed like he was gliding along the wall, he looked behind himself and no one was there, he looked in front and he had already at the second gate, it was a euphoric event for him, one that he still remembers fondly to his day.

Everything was blurring except for what was in front of him, his vision was tinted green and gray. He felt that beside him was somebody running with him, but when he looked they kept eluding his stares, he could feel it, like somebody was literally on top of him, or under him, or both at the same time. As he closed in on the third gate the presence grew, it felt like someone was trying to whisper in his ear, but the wind carried the voice away before it happened. He could feel his legs press against the surface, but he felt no impact, only the release, like swimming in water, your legs move but you never feel the surface. Slowly his body was speeding up, his vision got tighter, nearly a tunnel vision now, his body raced and it felt exhilarating. As he came around again his vision focused on the starting point, it was within his grasp, he had finally done it, achieved victory.

Everything blacked out for a moment and then he entered a dream like state. As he was running a fuzzy object appeared in his vision but he paid no heed, then all of a sudden everything went dark, and then came back into crystal clear vision. The sun was shining high in the sky, a gentle breeze billowed through his hair, the sky was crystal clear, and the grassed swayed back and forth, back and forth. Kisho got up and felt dizzy, he steadied himself and started to peer around, his head throbbed and he felt something wet pass over his lips. It was at this point that he realized that he was not in Kansas anymore, his hand raised to his nose; blood was trickling down both nostrils. Kisho turned in a circle taking in his surroundings. As he turned something flickered just on the edge of his vision, turning and turning Kisho became dizzy enough that he stumbled, all of a sudden a hand was placed in front of his face, seizing the hand Kisho was hoisted up, his head throbbing he looked to see a hazy face, dark grey light shaded the body, Kisho couldn’t make out his face but three words were whispered on the wind, this time he heard them, “gin'yoku hadamihanasazu gaifuu shichiyou” (Silvery Wings carry the Southern wind, Mercury) and in an instant Kisho was standing before the Vice Captain, his head throbbing, his nose bleeding, and a voice repeated to him over and over again.

Kisho left his gentle daze and returned to the real world, the vice captain was calling his name, asking if he was alright. Apparently Kisho was traveling a bit to fast, and was using a bit to much reiatsu for comfort, so as he rounded the starting gate for the second time, the vice captain was hard pressed to catch up, asking him to slow down, and when Kisho didn’t respond the vice captain was forced to knock him out. The first words out of his mouth were “Did I win?” which caused a hefty laugh for the vice captain, who in turned replied yes unfortunately.

6th Division Years
Kisho had quickly out distanced most of the seated officers, now he was a proud member holding the third seat title. He was quickly gaining fame among the division as being the fastest, which he only too happily replied would you like to test your luck. For a nearly 80 years he had been stuck in that position, filling in for odd and end jobs that needed someone but not quite the vice captain. That all changed when the captain of the sixth division retired to the Central 46, it seemed like everyone wanted to via for his position, including the vice captain, but all Kisho was concerned with was becoming the vice captain. In order to pass the vice captain test he had to achieve shikai, a feat that was quickly coming into his grasp, only this time Kisho had to yet again push himself to the limits of his speed, a requirement that was a tall order to fill, he already could circle the outer wall easily, he needed a bigger challenge. Kisho decided that he had to visit all the 80 districts; all in the span of time it takes him to circle the outer wall.
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Captain of Squad Two Empty
PostSubject: Re: Captain of Squad Two   Captain of Squad Two I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 02, 2009 7:11 pm

Years later
Kisho was a vice captain, and currently held the title for being the faster shinigami of all the vice captain, and a good majority of the captains, including his own. But he was failing in one area of expertise, his zanpakuto, though he was able to wield as masterfully as any vice captain should, and his shikai was at perfection, he just wasn’t able to move on to the second level, his spirit constantly wanted him to race, and he grew tired of those odd interventions of racing bouts followed by quite tranquility. Only much later did he learn that in order to achieve bankai he needed to race and win against his spirit. Soon the captain of the 6th’s division fell into bad health, or failing health is more properly known; his body started to slow way down, and his reiatsu lasted about as long as a battle before fainting for days. It was at this moment that Central 46 along with the other captains decided to force the captain into early retirement, and it was also at this moment that Kisho learned to become one with his zanpakuto.

Bankai and Beyond
The reality of achieving bankai only takes a few years, mastering and wielding that amount of power without harming yourself or others takes nearly a lifetime to fully realize. It started out with his captain leaving and needing to be replaced, followed by a relatively new captain going for the opportunity and achieving it, followed by a slight humiliation of him to Kisho that set off the powder keg.

In truth very few people knew about his time at the Shihouin training facility, but this new captain just couldn’t stop talking about it, not only to his division but to the other captains and vice captains as well. Slowly Kisho developed a deep hatred for this man, and he showboat ways, before now Kisho never truly got serious about anything, his thick outer shell protected him for ridicule, and his good nature earned him respect and friendship, but something about his man just pushed him over the edge.

No one had called Kisho fat in a long time, not since that camp, but sitting in a bar drinking with fellow vice captains and having your captain call you fat in front of them is just something Kisho can’t contain. Now Kisho wasn’t the strongest, nor was he the best adept with his sword, but whatever about that man brought a spark to his insides and set him alight. He openly challenged his captain for a duel of honor, truth be told Kisho was scared witless but still something would not be sedated inside of him until this man was dealt with. Whatever issues he was holding on to, whatever problems or anger was all released at the moment there swords met, two strikes before Kisho started whirling around his captain, kicking everywhere, face, stomach, neck, shoulder, knees, back, ribs, just a frenzy of graceful kicks, he appear kick and then disappear as suddenly as reappear right behind for another kick. Kisho was in a dream like state, he could see himself fighting, yet he was himself fighting, very esoteric moment. Next to him was standing a man with long white hair, his body was covered in a metallic metal armor, and he was carrying Kisho’s zanpakuto. Now in the fighting realm, the captain was only going at half mass, both using there shikai’s but he was quickly seeing that Kisho was becoming somewhat of a bother, using his bankai Kisho was thrown across the arena with several cuts along his body. Back in the Land of Oz, Kisho stared at himself as the captain called him all manner of foul names, and kicked and dragged him across the arena like some sort of mangy dog. Whatever Kisho was been holding back was now released, in an explosion of wind and smoke, Kisho stood shining in the light in armor similar to his spirit, raged burned in his eyes, his reiatsu pulsed and burned against his captains cold and unwavering nature, in a flash he was gone, as quickly as a whip he proceeded to pound his captain, every swing of the sword was dodged, every attack was met with open air, Kisho was the wind, he truly was the everywhere yet no where, as he ruthlessly attack his captain he was vaguely aware of other voices, other presences started to fill the arena, soon Kisho was drowned out in a sea of other colors, smothering him with reiatsu’s, soon hands were everywhere, constantly trying to grab him, to reach the wind, Kisho paniced, he tried to get away, like a mouse running away from hundreds of elephants, but soon all was dark, the blissful silence of darkness, except for his zanpakuto spirit, it just sat there with him, like a gentle wind blowing across his face.
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Mr. Polk

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PostSubject: Re: Captain of Squad Two   Captain of Squad Two I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 02, 2009 7:16 pm

Captain of Squad Two 25151210

Last edited by Ekochi Kuchiki on Fri Apr 03, 2009 2:32 am; edited 1 time in total
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Tokujoro Seizen Το Κτήνος

Tokujoro Seizen Το Κτήνος

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PostSubject: Re: Captain of Squad Two   Captain of Squad Two I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 02, 2009 10:16 pm

Approved, just post in the gotei 13 ranks that you would like to be captain and you're there since you have a sample
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PostSubject: Re: Captain of Squad Two   Captain of Squad Two I_icon_minitime

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