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 Shin Kageoni (hopeful replacement captain to squad 3)

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Shin Kageoni

Shin Kageoni

Posts : 48
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Join date : 2009-01-04
Age : 36
Location : The 7th layer of hell

Shin Kageoni (hopeful replacement captain to squad 3) Empty
PostSubject: Shin Kageoni (hopeful replacement captain to squad 3)   Shin Kageoni (hopeful replacement captain to squad 3) I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 27, 2009 6:24 am

Name: Shin Kageoni

Age: 250

Visual Age: 21

Gender: Male

Division: 9

Personality: Shin has a optimistic/pesimistic attutude and sarcastic sense of humor. Never really showing his true face to others, often hiding behind humor and twisted logic. To Shin right and wrong is just a matter of opinion. As such Shin has never been one to question any orders givin to him. In his opinion the Enimeis of Soul Society are his enimies too, reguardless of circumstances. Shin is completely loyal to his duty, and does whatever it takes to get the job done. Even if that means cutting through a comrade. For reasons such as this many see Shin as cold, and carless of others. However he actually holds his comrades to the highest reguard, but if blood must be spilt to protect his be it.

Appearance: Shin has short scruffy black hair, with blue eyes. He stands at about 5 feet seven inches, and has a slim slightly muscular build. Shin has dark bags under his eyes as he is an insomniac and gets very little sleep. Tattooed on his right arm are several paralelle black lines, 700 in total. He wears the typical Shinigami uniform with a sleeveless captain's coat. Shin also has two steel armguards attached to his arms, from his hands to just a little before his elbows.

History/Background: Shin in his life as a human was a spy in fudeal Japan. Shin was frequently sent on missions to gain information his lord's enimes. However with the job of a spy comes certain dangers, and early in his career Shin was captured, and eliminated when he refused to talk. Shin wandered as a lonely soul for quite a long time, so much so that his soul chain had only one link left in it, by the time a shinigami found him and sent him to Soul Society.

Shin's life before joining as a Shinigami was rough. Shin would run countless illegal opperations, sell information, and do countless wrong deeds to aid himself financially. Shin often at times would even be used as a contact by Shinigami, but only if the price was right. However this would come to an end as he was soon arrested and processed for his wrong deeds. Shin sat in a shinigami prison for a few months before being approached with an offer he couldn't refuse. It would appear that he did have certain skills and powers that were of more use to the Shinigami than himself. The deal was for Shin to join the Shinigami Black opps. as a spy, and informant on the districts outside of the SS itself. And in return Shin would regain his freedom, though in the servise of the Shinigami themselves.

Shin was immediately put into academy training where his skills lacked in comparison of others around him. However this mattered little as he was not chosen for his combat, or magic expertise. Shin graduated from the academy, though no one really knows if he was responseable for graduation, or wheater or not some of the higher upps interfeard with his education process. Shin then spent several hundred years working for the Shinigami Black opps. There he had learned many skills useful to his role as a shinigami. Within his tearm in the Black opps. Shin had learned to realease his Zanpaktou, which carried an ability which only made him more valiable as a spy.

Within his term Shin had gained veterancy amongst the Black opps. Even obtaining a spot in the executive militia, as one of the few who work, and are commanded by Captain of squad 2. Within that time Shin had acchived bankai, though he considered it to be cheating as his Zanpaktou was not a particularlly violent one. Another hundred years had past, before Shin was ordered to leave the executive militia permenately. His new assignment was to replace the former captain of squad 9, as his skills as a spy and informant would make him an excellent man for the job.

RP Sample: It was yet another hollow elimiation assignment. This particular specimen had slain three groups of Shinigami partrolling the area, and even slain The search party that was sent to investigate. So the orders were to locate whatever it was that was attacking the Shinigami, and kill it before it had a chance to kill again. Shin was sent on this assignement, as well as several others from the Black opps. The team consisted of 6 men, all skilled in the arts of assasination. With the exception of Shin however who was to bring back any information he could, if things went down hill.

The group went off to an abondoned district outside of Soul Society, which was a common place for hollows to appear, however few were ever powerful enough to cause this kind of disturbance. They arrived at the scene to see 20 shinigami laying on the ground and appeared dead. The leader of the group approached one of the shinigami who were laying on the ground and placed to fingers on their neck. "Dead." He said as he turned and walked back towards the group. "Okay I want to get a peraminter check around here, their wounds appear to be pretty fresh so it could still be nearb......" The leader began to say, as the body he just denounced as dead began to move.

The body seemed to move irregular to what a normal person's movements would be. One of the others approached them and tried to help them up. The leader looked puzzled for a moment. "He was dead a moment ago, no pulse what so ever." He said in disbelief. Then the Shinigami that was helping the seemingly dead man up, was cut down form a cut to the neck. The dead Shinigami had killed the man that was trying to help him. Then the other bodies started to stand up, just like the other before. The leader of the group began cutting them down, however they kept comming. Shin and the others soon joined in the slaughter, however there seemed to be no end to them.

Shin fired a shot of red fire, and blew one of the corpses to pecies stoping the body from being controlled. The otehers soon followed suit. Then however one of the group cut off anothers head. "Damnit, it can controll more than just corpses?!" The leader shouted Charging towards his comrade, however was unable to bring himself to cut down his fellow Shinigami. Shin quickly jumped forward slicing down the Shinigami. "Don't hesitate." Shin said looking back towards the leader of the group who was no convulsing, however his body was moving much more irradically than the others, who by now were all cut down.

A hollow erupted from the ground holding the leader by a mass of large tenticles that appeared to be what it used to control the bodies of others. Shin charged the Hollow itself, before being blocked by his former commander, who seemed to still be alive, yet unable to control his own movements. The beast laughed as he brought the commander's body ever closer to his own intending to use the body as a shield. "This is the end boy, you can't cut down you're own living commander to kill me." The hollow said, as his mask was soon shattered by Shin's sword. The sword had struck through his commander's head, and into the hollow's. "You made the mistake of thinking that I wouldn't kill my own kind to kill you. That was a bad move. There was no garuntee that he would live after you killed me, so what did I have to loose in this situation?" Shin said as he removed his sword from the two heads. Both the hollow and the body hit the ground and began to dissappaer. Shin sheathed his zanpaktou and began to make his way back to Soul Society.......alone.

Last edited by Shin Kageoni on Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:33 am; edited 2 times in total
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Shin Kageoni (hopeful replacement captain to squad 3) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shin Kageoni (hopeful replacement captain to squad 3)   Shin Kageoni (hopeful replacement captain to squad 3) I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 27, 2009 6:33 am

I can approve your char, however Ekochi gets the final say on captains, so I suggest you send your rp sample to him via pm

Char Approved with stipulation that Ekochi chooses if he is captain or not
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