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 Rose's Ressurection

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Rose's Ressurection Empty
PostSubject: Rose's Ressurection   Rose's Ressurection I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 05, 2009 10:13 pm

Name: El León De Montaña

Release Phrase: "Rumble León"

Represent: Lion
Rose's Ressurection Earth_10

Element: Gravity/Earth

Sealed Description: A wakizashi strapped to her lower back.

Initial Release: Her hair become's golden and she gains feline ears, and her wakizashi glows with a golden color. She can manipulate the Earth in her innitial release.

Released Description: Rose's Ressurection Liones10
Her combat abilities increase, making her faster stronger and more, instinctive. Her skin can now no longer be cut by zanpaktou, however, techniques can still hurt her. Her claws can extend at will and she can grow her fur and spike it like a porquepine shooting it at enemies. Each hair is lined with paralytic poison that will immobilize whatever part it hits for 3 posts.


Autor de Tierra - She can bend the Earth to her will making anything she wants out of it. She can turn it to dust, and create a thick cloud in the area, or she can
make giant walls of Earth almost instantly. She can shift it to sand, and since there's Earth everywhere, there no limit to how much sand she can make. Using her gravity defying powers she can hurl chunks of Earth at you, among other things. She can create Earthquakes using this ability as well.

Deformación - She can control the gravity in the area to make herself seem, lighter making her faster, and make her opponent seem heavier, making thm slower and weaker. She can use gravity to "puch" and "pull" her opponents at will. It lasts for 3 posts, and has a 5 post cooldown.

El Amazón de Barras de Gravedad - This tech is very interesting in the fact that it creates a dome or sphere(depending on whether Rose is in the air or on the ground) in which gravity is Rose's plaything. The dome/ sphere has a diameter of 150ft and within this dome/sphere no reiatsu based attack can maintain its form, and if her enemy is caught within this invisible(more like you cant see it but can sort of tell where it is) sphere, each part of their body is affected by gravity differently. All the effects whether negative or positive ar either 5x or 10x larger or smaller. The sphere/dome moves with Rose as the center, and lasts for 5 posts with a 5 post cooldown. (i.e.- Enemy A walks into sphere. Enemy A's arm is now 10x heavier than it was before while his leg is 10x lighter) Each time her opponent is in this field it affects them differently.

Vórtice -This ability allows Rose to copy perfectly the gravitational effects of a black hole, and can create a vortex with the same effects as a black hole, but its not a black hole. Anything sucked into the vortex is crushed by the opposing forces of gravity into oblivion, meaning she can use it to block incoming reiatsu-based attacks. However, enemies can be sucked into these vortexs as well, if they get too close. She can create at maximum three vortexes, each around 15 feet in diameter.
The length of time each vortex lasts, depends on how many she has out.

1 Vortex-7 posts(3 post cooldown)
2 Vortexes-5 posts(3 post cooldown
3 Vortexes -3 posts(5 post cooldown)

She may add or subtract vortexes, and that is what set of limits and cooldowns apply. (i.e- start with one vortex, then add another so that its now 2 vortexes which lasts for 5 posts, UNLESS 1 vortes has been out for 2 posts already, then when the second vortex is activated, it becomes 3 posts instead of five for technique length. Same thing applies to 3 Vortexes.)

La Tirón de Gravedad - This utilizes her innate ability(the gravitational field around her body at all times) where an enemy attack is repelled to the point where it hits her skin but because of hierro normally would not penetrate and for added protection the field remains to give resistance. As soon as her opponent's sword, or hand or whatever hits her, comes into contact with Rose's body, the gravitational effect on that item is now 10x what it normally would be. As the item is slammed into the ground, the ground becomes sand and starts to rub furiously at over 400rpm on whatever holds the item(say hands) or the item itself, be it organic or not. (We've all seen sandpaper at work and sanders, same principle basically).

Rose has to be consciously weighing whatever has touched her down. She can't leave the power on and forget to turn it off. In a way, it's like the gas pedal for a car. The pedal keeps the car in motion only as long as it is pressed down. If it isn't pressed down, the car doesn't go anywhere. So basically if Rose were incapacitated, the tech would be negated Or she can conciously negate the effects on her own.

(gravitational effects last 4 posts)
(3 posts to completely corrode the affected item/limb/(w/e))
(8 turn cooldown)

La Furia de Pharoah -This technique allows Rose to erode the ground, or anything made of earth or containing it, meaning metal too, erode until it becomes dust. The ground on the battlefield becomes sand, thick and heavy sand, that Rose can still move around due to her Earth Malleability tech. There is so much that a miniature desert is formed, unless in Las Noches in which Rose just changes the properties of the sand already there. The desert is about large enough to engulf Karakura.

Each grain of sand is approximately 1 pound. Now, imagine how much just a fistfull of sand would weigh. This sand can also be used to protect Rose as an armor, or her allies, though the weight factor does still apply, Rose can combine this with her gravity manipulation to reverse her allies gravity and thus make the sand armor bearable. This tech also activates a sandstorm, (which only lasts 3 posts with a 5 post cooldown), which moves around fast enough to eventually corrode the skin from your muscle, if the body is not covered up. The sand in the sandstorm is normal with respect to weight.

The desert effect is irreversable, once all that sand is created theres no where for it to return to >_>.

Sin Masa-One of Rose's deadlier techniques, meant to make her opponents net mass equal to 0. 2 parts. First Part: Its a one time only effect that lasts 10 posts, however with no mass, the effects of natural gravity are greater on their body as well as any attack Rose hits them with, will send them flying endlessly until they smash into something else.

Second Part: An invisible sphere of gravity distortion forms around Rose, 150ft in diameter where whithin this sphere all impact damage is negated. All of it. Cutting damage still applies, as well as piercing damage. However in theis sphere reiatsu based attacks are only half as effective. 10 post duration, 10 post cooldown.

Note: Only one of the parts may be used in any battle.

El Tesoro de la Reina-Allows Rose to speed up the natural processes of the earth to create diamond. This gives her not only better defensive but as well as offensive capability as the diamond has a special quality that helps it deflect and/or absorb reiatsu. She can create this substance for 2 posts, but must wait 3 posts before creating more. Once this diamond is created it doesn't just disappear, it can be broken with an exceptionally strong attack, depending on the attack, it may or may not break through. She can create and expand this diamond from the tiniest grain of sand or rock or just earth in general.

Ultimate Ability/Attack: El Orgullo de León - Rose is able to use her second attack for 5 posts with a 10 post colldown, her punches alone have immense amounts of force behind them, half as strong as the forces exerted in a black hole(meaning enormous strength increase) and she can roar creating a shockwave that will burst eardrums, disrupt reiatsu based attacks and hit with such force, that most things are crushed to a pulp. A good way to not get crushed is to dodge, or pad whatever side of yourself is getting hit with most or all of your reiatsu. No one under Captain can withstand this tech.

Segunda Etpa

Release: Crush, Leon

Appearance: In Rose's Second Release, her once brown fur seems to crystallize. The once tough zanpaktou proof fur that acted as her bio armor receives an upgrade. Each strand of hair is now a shard of diamond. Meaning she can cut you with literally any part of her body while becoming even more resistant to cutting, piercing bludgeoning and other forms of melee. The diamond has special properties that help her deflect/absorb reiatsu, to the point where she could bat away a Gran Ray Cero with one hand, or stop certain kido in its tracks. This isn't to say that a sufficiently powerful attack couldn't get through her diamond fur, its just harbors on unlikelihood.

Abilities Gained in 2nd Release: Ability to create diamond from earth without limit, bending it, shaping it, dominating it with her will like her Autor Terra, but not only does she gain this new ability, her control over gravity can go down to the molecular level. Meaning she now is able to control the weight of air molecules. There are 2.7 x 1019 molecules in every cubic centimeter of air, Rose takes these molecules and forms them into weapons or attacks by manipulating the effect gravity has on them at any given time. This can also be used for defense, used to buffer strong reishi based attacks.

Prisión de Prisma de Esfera-Rose creates plates of Diamond that circle around her opponent endlessly, almost like a shattered disco ball, then using any type of cero she fires it into one shard, this shard then "spreads the love" so to speak until all the shards are filled with cero energy. Then, all at once they release said energy at the target. Each beam is highly condensed being only 3 ft wide, but the intense heat generated emanates from the beam for 5ft outwards. Meaning a 3 ft wide beam fired into say a very large rock wouldn't explode, it would cut right through it, leaving a 8ft diameter hole. That is how much heat is generated by this condensed beam. The beam itself is incredibly fast making it horrendously hard to dodge, going twice the speed of shunpo however, it does take 1 post to charge and has a 3 post cooldown.

Gravedad Se Arruga-This is Rose's gravity manipulation at its finest. She literally makes her self massless, and by making the air molecules in her path move out of her path, she eliminates air friction, making her slightly faster than Mach 4 as she also propels herself with gravity. Lasts 7 posts unusable for the rest of Segunda.

Fantasma en la Shell-Using her gravity manipulation, she makes the mass of the ground inexistent, thus causing her opponent to "phase" though it as if it were not there. Once they've sunk deep enough she then increases the mass to make them stuck in there. From there Rose is able to do whatever, make the Earth diamond and spike it or whatever inventive things she can come up with Just because her opponent is in the air, does not necessarily mean that they're safe. Lasts for 4 posts with a 4 post cooldown. -Thanks to Hisoka for the Idea

La Defensa Perfecta- This is Rose's ultimate defense, so strong that no physical attack can pierce her defense, and made with the special property diamond to deflect and absorb all reiatsu based attacks. It combines a gravity field to repulse anything else that might get through. However, Rose cannot move at all, nor can she use any of her other abilities, meaning she cannot attack or heal or do anything. All of her concentration goes into this defense. Lasts 4 Posts. One Time Use.

Drawbacks: During this form Rose's reiatsu takes a heavy toll, so that if her time runs out she will be forced into sealing her ress, thus weakening her beyond the ability to fight. During her segunda Rose loses her sense of hearing and sense of smell giving her a handicap right off the bat.

Last edited by Rose on Sat Jul 18, 2009 3:12 am; edited 13 times in total
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Tokujoro Seizen Το Κτήνος

Tokujoro Seizen Το Κτήνος

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Rose's Ressurection Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rose's Ressurection   Rose's Ressurection I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 05, 2009 10:47 pm

Rose's Ressurection Approved
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Rose's Ressurection Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rose's Ressurection   Rose's Ressurection I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 07, 2009 10:15 pm

Initial Release: Her hair become's golden and she gains feline ears, and her wakizashi glows with a golden color.

Gravity's Jungle Gym- This tech is very interesting in the fact that it creates a dome or sphere(depending on whether Rose is in the air or on the ground) in which gravity is Rose's plaything. The dome/ sphere has a diameter of 150ft and within this dome/sphere no reiatsu based attack can maintain its form, and if her enemy is caught within this invisible(more like you cant see it but can sort of tell where it is) sphere, each part of their body is affected by gravity differently. All the effects whether negative or positive ar either 5x or 10x larger or smaller. The sphere/dome moves with Rose as the center, and lasts for 5 posts with a 5 post cooldown. (i.e.- Enemy A walks into sphere. Enemy A's arm is now 10x heavier than it was before while his leg is 10x lighter)

Last edited by Rose on Sun Apr 19, 2009 12:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Rose's Ressurection Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rose's Ressurection   Rose's Ressurection I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 07, 2009 10:18 pm

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Rose's Ressurection Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rose's Ressurection   Rose's Ressurection I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 14, 2009 9:59 pm

[Replacement Tech for (Clay Doll)]{Reason}: Despite only being able to be used once and all the restrictions on it, it was brought to my attention that the tech was still an auto-hit and instant kill, so for the sake of fairness, I am replacing it.

Vortex-This ability allows Rose to copy perfectly the gravitational effects of a black hole, and can create a vortex with the same effects as a black hole, but its not a black hole. Anything sucked into the vortex is crushed by the opposing forces of gravity into oblivion, meaning she can use it to block incoming reiatsu-based attacks. However, enemies can be sucked into these vortexs as well, if they get too close. She can create at maximum three vortexes, each around 15 feet in diameter.
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Rose's Ressurection Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rose's Ressurection   Rose's Ressurection I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 15, 2009 1:44 pm

Rose, your going to need a Cool down on that both other than that it will be approved
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Rose's Ressurection Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rose's Ressurection   Rose's Ressurection I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 15, 2009 3:42 pm

Vortex-This ability allows Rose to copy perfectly the gravitational effects of a black hole, and can create a vortex with the same effects as a black hole, but its not a black hole. Anything sucked into the vortex is crushed by the opposing forces of gravity into oblivion, meaning she can use it to block incoming reiatsu-based attacks. However, enemies can be sucked into these vortexs as well, if they get too close. She can create at maximum three vortexes, each around 15 feet in diameter.
The length of time each vortex lasts, depends on how many she has out.

1 Vortex-7 posts(3 post cooldown)
2 Vortexes-5 posts(3 post cooldown
3 Vortexes -3 posts(5 post cooldown)

She may add or subtract vortexes, and that is what set of limits and cooldowns apply. (i.e- start with one vortex, then add another so that its now 2 vortexes which lasts for 5 posts, UNLESS 1 vortes has been out for 2 posts already, then when the second vortex is activated, it becomes 3 posts instead of five for technique length. Same thing applies to 3 Vortexes.)
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Mr. Polk

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Rose's Ressurection Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rose's Ressurection   Rose's Ressurection I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 15, 2009 3:47 pm

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Rose's Ressurection Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rose's Ressurection   Rose's Ressurection I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 20, 2009 9:55 pm

Gravity's Pull- This utilizes her innate ability(the gravitational field around her body at all times) where an enemy attack is repelled to the point where it hits her skin but because of hierro normally would not penetrate and for added protection the field remains to give resistance. As soon as her opponent's sword, or hand or whatever hits her, comes into contact with Rose's body, the gravitational effect on that item is now 10x what it normally would be. As the item is slammed into the ground, the ground becomes sand and starts to rub furiously at over 400rpm on whatever holds the item(say hands) or the item itself, be it organic or not. (We've all seen sandpaper at work and sanders, same principle basically).

Rose has to be consciously weighing whatever has touched her down. She can't leave the power on and forget to turn it off. In a way, it's like the gas pedal for a car. The pedal keeps the car in motion only as long as it is pressed down. If it isn't pressed down, the car doesn't go anywhere. So basically if Rose were incapacitated, the tech would be negated Or she can conciously negate the effects on her own.

(gravitational effects last 4 posts)
(3 posts to completely corrode the affected item/limb/(w/e))
(8 turn cooldown)
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Mr. Polk

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Rose's Ressurection Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rose's Ressurection   Rose's Ressurection I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 20, 2009 11:03 pm

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Rose's Ressurection Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rose's Ressurection   Rose's Ressurection I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 30, 2009 5:39 pm

Pharoah's Fury-This technique allows Rose to erode the ground, or anything made of earth or containing it, meaning metal too, erode until it becomes dust. The ground on the battlefield becomes sand, thick and heavy sand, that Rose can still move around due to her Earth Malleability tech. There is so much that a miniature desert is formed, unless in Las Noches in which Rose just changes the properties of the sand already there. The desert is about large enough to engulf Karakura.

Each grain of sand is approximately 1 pound. Now, imagine how much just a fistfull of sand would weigh. This sand can also be used to protect Rose as an armor, or her allies, though the weight factor does still apply, Rose can combine this with her gravity manipulation to reverse her allies gravity and thus make the sand armor bearable. This tech also activates a sandstorm, (which only lasts 3 posts with a 5 post cooldown), which moves around fast enough to eventually corrode the skin from your muscle, if the body is not covered up. The sand in the sandstorm is normal with respect to weight.

The desert effect is irreversable, once all that sand is created theres no where for it to return to >_>.
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Rose's Ressurection Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rose's Ressurection   Rose's Ressurection I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 30, 2009 5:48 pm

So, you create a desert, but that means you liable to control it, so once in your 5 cd period, the sand weighs 1 pound for you as well.
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Rose's Ressurection Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rose's Ressurection   Rose's Ressurection I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 11, 2009 12:05 pm

Sin Masa-One of Rose's deadlier techniques, meant to make her opponents net mass equal to 0. 2 parts. First Part: Its a one time only effect that lasts 10 posts, however with no mass, the effects of natural gravity are greater on their body as well as any attack Rose hits them with, will send them flying endlessly until they smash into something else.

Second Part: An invisible sphere of gravity distortion forms around Rose, 150ft in diameter where whithin this sphere all impact damage is negated. All of it. Cutting damage still applies, as well as piercing damage. However in theis sphere reiatsu based attacks are only half as effective. 10 post duration, 10 post cooldown.

Note: Only one of the parts may be used in any battle.
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Rose's Ressurection Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rose's Ressurection   Rose's Ressurection I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 11, 2009 4:08 pm

WTF?!!!!!! YOU ARE!!!!!
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Rose's Ressurection Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rose's Ressurection   Rose's Ressurection I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 14, 2009 12:57 pm

Meh this will probably be denied anyways but w/e.

El Tesoro de la Reina-Allows Rose to speed up the natural processes of the earth to create diamond. This gives her not only better defensive but as well as offensive capability as the diamond has a special quality that helps it deflect and/or absorb reiatsu. She can create this substance for 2 posts, but must wait 3 posts before creating more. Once this diamond is created it doesn't just disappear, it can be broken with an exceptionally strong attack, probably around the range of a GRC from an Espada in the top 4 or high level kido Hado 90+. She can create and expand this diamond from the tiniest grain of sand or rock or just earth in general.
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Rose's Ressurection Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rose's Ressurection   Rose's Ressurection I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 14, 2009 1:53 pm

Quite sorry, but you cannot simply void all low level attacks. Make a higher restriction.
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Rose's Ressurection Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rose's Ressurection   Rose's Ressurection I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 14, 2009 2:38 pm

El Tesoro de la Reina-Allows Rose to speed up the natural processes of the earth to create diamond. This gives her not only better defensive but as well as offensive capability as the diamond has a special quality that helps it deflect and/or absorb reiatsu. She can create this substance for 2 posts, but must wait 3 posts before creating more. Once this diamond is created it doesn't just disappear, it can be broken with an exceptionally strong attack, depending on the attack, it may or may not break through. She can create and expand this diamond from the tiniest grain of sand or rock or just earth in general.

Edited -_-
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Rose's Ressurection Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rose's Ressurection   Rose's Ressurection I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 14, 2009 3:05 pm

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Rose's Ressurection Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rose's Ressurection   Rose's Ressurection I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 16, 2009 1:34 am


Appearance: In Rose's Second Release, her once brown fur seems to crystallize. The once tough zanpaktou proof fur that acted as her bio armor receives an upgrade. Each strand of hair is now a shard of diamond. Meaning she can cut you with literally any part of her body while becoming even more resistant to cutting, piercing bludgeoning and other forms of melee. The diamond has special properties that help her deflect/absorb reiatsu, to the point where she could bat away a Gran Ray Cero with one hand, or stop certain kido in its tracks. This isn't to say that a sufficiently powerful attack couldn't get through her diamond fur, its just harbors on unlikelihood.

Abilities Gained in 2nd Release: Ability to create diamond from earth without limit, bending it, shaping it, dominating it with her will like her Autor Terra, but not only does she gain this new ability, her control over gravity can go down to the molecular level. Meaning she now is able to control the weight of air molecules. There are 2.7 x 1019 molecules in every cubic centimeter of air, Rose takes these molecules and forms them into weapons or attacks by manipulating the effect gravity has on them at any given time. This can also be used for defense, used to buffer strong reishi based attacks.


Drawbacks: (this form must have a drawback as it is very overpowering)
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Rose's Ressurection Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rose's Ressurection   Rose's Ressurection I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 18, 2009 1:56 am

Release: Crush, Leon

Appearance: In Rose's Second Release, her once brown fur seems to crystallize. The once tough zanpaktou proof fur that acted as her bio armor receives an upgrade. Each strand of hair is now a shard of diamond. Meaning she can cut you with literally any part of her body while becoming even more resistant to cutting, piercing bludgeoning and other forms of melee. The diamond has special properties that help her deflect/absorb reiatsu, to the point where she could bat away a Gran Ray Cero with one hand, or stop certain kido in its tracks. This isn't to say that a sufficiently powerful attack couldn't get through her diamond fur, its just harbors on unlikelihood.

Abilities Gained in 2nd Release: Ability to create diamond from earth without limit, bending it, shaping it, dominating it with her will like her Autor Terra, but not only does she gain this new ability, her control over gravity can go down to the molecular level. Meaning she now is able to control the weight of air molecules. There are 2.7 x 1019 molecules in every cubic centimeter of air, Rose takes these molecules and forms them into weapons or attacks by manipulating the effect gravity has on them at any given time. This can also be used for defense, used to buffer strong reishi based attacks.

Prisión de Prisma de Esfera-Rose creates plates of Diamond that circle around her opponent endlessly, almost like a shattered disco ball, then using any type of cero she fires it into one shard, this shard then "spreads the love" so to speak until all the shards are filled with cero energy. Then, all at once they release said energy at the target. Each beam is highly condensed being only 3 ft wide, but the intense heat generated emanates from the beam for 5ft outwards. Meaning a 3 ft wide beam fired into say a very large rock wouldn't explode, it would cut right through it, leaving a 8ft diameter hole. That is how much heat is generated by this condensed beam. The beam itself is incredibly fast making it horrendously hard to dodge, going twice the speed of shunpo however, it does take 1 post to charge and has a 3 post cooldown.

Gravedad Se Arruga-This is Rose's gravity manipulation at its finest. She literally makes her self massless, and by making the air molecules in her path move out of her path, she eliminates air friction, making her slightly faster than Mach 4 as she also propels herself with gravity. Lasts 7 posts unusable for the rest of Segunda.

Fantasma en la Shell-Using her gravity manipulation, she makes the mass of the ground inexistent, thus causing her opponent to "phase" though it as if it were not there. Once they've sunk deep enough she then increases the mass to make them stuck in there. From there Rose is able to do whatever, make the Earth diamond and spike it or whatever inventive things she can come up with Just because her opponent is in the air, does not necessarily mean that they're safe. Lasts for 4 posts with a 4 post cooldown. -Thanks to Hisoka for the Idea

La Defensa Perfecta- This is Rose's ultimate defense, so strong that no physical attack can pierce her defense, and made with the special property diamond to deflect and absorb all reiatsu based attacks. It combines a gravity field to repulse anything else that might get through. However, Rose cannot move at all, nor can she use any of her other abilities, meaning she cannot attack or heal or do anything. All of her concentration goes into this defense. Lasts 4 Posts. One Time Use.

Drawbacks: During this form Rose's reiatsu takes a heavy toll, so that if her time runs out she will be forced into sealing her ress, thus weakening her beyond the ability to fight. During her segunda Rose loses her sense of hearing and sense of smell giving her a handicap right off the bat.
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Rose's Ressurection Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rose's Ressurection   Rose's Ressurection I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 18, 2009 3:08 am

Approved. And although the template does not state it, Segunda Epta lasts 11 posts, just as all other Second Forms do.
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PostSubject: Re: Rose's Ressurection   Rose's Ressurection I_icon_minitime

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