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 Vlad III Dracula "Tepes" Draculesti

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Vladimire Drake

Vladimire Drake

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PostSubject: Vlad III Dracula "Tepes" Draculesti   Vlad III Dracula "Tepes" Draculesti I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 06, 2010 4:15 pm

Arrancar Registration

Name: Vlad lll Dracula "Tepes ~ The Impaler" Drăculeşti

Rank: Espada

Age: 578

Appearance: Vlad wears a large black cape with red lining, at the collar of the cape is a golden chain with a circuler red gem the circumfrence of a baseball. Beneath this he wears a white long sleeve shirt with cufflinks popped back, showing the black lining, and a red ruby like stud on each cufflink, the collar around the neck is wide and popped upward until the bottom of the ear. He wears matching white pants with a red and black matador sash with another red gem with the circumfrence of a baseball on a golden plate that is only a little larger. He wears numerous rings that are golden and have red rubies, he is usually seen with a basic glass monocle.

Vlad has pale white skin with his blue vains clearly visible, he has white hair that is slicked back, his iris' are light blue and his scalera are a light pinkish red color. He has long angulated canine teeth that are only seen when he opens his mouth or smiles. His Hollow mask Fragment takes the form of what looks like a large golden necklace studded with jewels and a small white skull in the center. He usually carries his sword in hand. His numero is located at the back of his neck, barely ever seen. He is about 5'11 and skinny but still maintains a muscular build. His Hollow hole is in the cneter of his chest.

Gender: Male


Vlad is a cold, distant person, who seems emotionless and cares very little about anyone. He is dominated by logic not emotion, willing to go as so far to kill one of his own to kill his target and once he has a target he will not stop until he kills his target. He is alone most of the time and does not interfere with other Arrancar unless told to be a higher up or if it benefits him. He cares about only himself and no one else, he prefers to surround him self with the bestial Hollows.

He is slow to anger but quick to respond to any threat by neutralizing it. He will take a persons life without hesitation friend or foe. Vlad has shown to care very little about peoples lives as he see's them as expendable and has the philosophy that "Everything can be Replaced."

In combat his attitude doesn't change much but he becomes much more in tune with his senses and his opponents faults in technique, style, and manor. He analyzes his enemy thoroughly and plays different scenarios and strategies in his head, showing off his intelligence in a very indirect way.


Hair Color: White



Fruit (mainly apples and pomegranate)





Bestial Hollows



Large Groups People

Women Beaters

Heretics and Infidels

Cowards and Traitors






History: Vlad was the second son of Vlad Dracul and Princess Cneajna, daughter of Alexander the Good of Moldavia. Vlad's family, a branch of the House of Basarab, had been driven from Wallachia by pro-Ottoman boyars and now lived in exile in Transylvania, then part of the Kingdom of Hungary. It was there that Vlad was born, probably in the citadel of Segesvár, Hungary (today located in Romania, named Sighişoara).

In the year Vlad was born, his father travelled to Nuremberg in today's modern Germany where he was vested into the Order of the Dragon. At the age of five, young Vlad was also initiated into the Order.


In 1436, Dracul ascended the throne of Wallachia. He was ousted in 1442 by rival factions in league with Hungary, but secured Ottoman support for his return agreeing to pay tribute to the Sultan and also send his two younger sons, Vlad and Radu, to the Ottoman court, to serve as hostages of his loyalty.

Vlad was locked up in an underground prison and often whipped for being stubborn and rude, while his younger brother Radu caught the eye of the sultan's son, Mehmed and was allowed into the Ottoman royal court. These years had a great influence on Vlad's character and led to Vlad's well-known hatred for Radu and Mehmed, who would later become the sultan. According to McNally and Florescu, he also distrusted his own father for trading him to the Turks and betraying the Order of the Dragon's oath to fight them.

When Vlad was released he met Mehmed's future Concubine, a girl from Wallachia, called Ilona. Vlad then constrcuted a plot to steal her away from him and send her back to Wallachia, he succeded and she fell in love with him.

He later beat Mehmet in a Game of Jeered and in which the bet was his foreskin for Mehmet'shunting bird. After defeating Mehmet and injuring him. Vlad was taken in the Middle of the Night and sent to a place where they taught him the art of torture and the way of impalement, they also taught tim the school motto "Torture your enemies before they Torture you."

First reign and exile

In December 1447, boyars in league with the Hungarian regent John Hunyadi rebelled against Vlad Dracul and killed him in the marshes near Bălteni. Mircea, Dracul's eldest son and heir, was blinded with hot iron stakes and buried alive at Târgovişte.

To prevent Wallachia from falling into the Hungarian fold, the Ottomans invaded Wallachia and put young Vlad III on the throne. However, this rule was short-lived as Hunyadi himself now invaded Wallachia and restored his ally Vladislav II, of the Danesti clan, to the throne.

Vlad fled to Moldavia, where he lived under the protection of his uncle, Bogdan II. In October 1451, Bogdan was assassinated and Vlad fled to Hungary. Impressed by Vlad's vast knowledge of the mindset and inner workings of the Ottoman Empire as well as his hatred of the new sultan Mehmed II(also called Mehmet the Conquerer), Hunyadi reconciled with his former rival and made him his advisor.

In 1453, the Ottomans, under Sultan Mehmed II took Constantinople after a prolonged siege, putting an end to the final major Christian presence in the eastern Mediterranean, after which Ottoman influence began to spread from this base through the Carpathians, threatening mainland Europe.

In 1456, three years after the Ottomans had conquered Constantinople, threatened Hungary by besieging Belgrade. Hunyadi began a concerted counter-attack in Serbia: while he himself moved into Serbia and relieved the siege (before dying of the plague), Vlad led his own contigent into Wallachia, reconquered his native land and killed Vladislav II.

Second reign

Little is known about his second reign. yet it is known that it was a reign drenched in blood. Many Boyars were killed during this time, it is said that Vlad invited the Boyars for dinner at his home and made them eat on his Dead Brother's Coffin which he found, he then proceeded to make the Boyars and the lead investigator examine the body of his dead brother Mircea the then killed them.

Internal policy

Vlad found Wallachia in a wretched state: constant war had resulted in rampant crime, falling agricultural production, and the virtual disappearance of trade. Regarding a stable economy essential to resisting external enemies, he used severe methods to restore order and prosperity.

Vlad considered the boyars the chief cause of constant strife as well as the death of his father and brother. To secure his rule, he had many leading nobles killed and gave positions in his council, traditionally belonging to the greatest boyars, to persons of obscure origins, who would be loyal to him alone, and some to foreigners. For lower offices, Vlad preferred knights and free peasants to boyars.

Raids into Transylvania

As the Wallachian nobility was linked to the Transylvanian Saxons, Vlad also acted against them by eliminating their trade privileges and raiding their cities. In 1459, he had several Saxon settlers of Kronstadt impaled.

Vlad was also on guard against the rival Dăneşti clan, and some of his raids into Transylvania may have been aimed at capturing potential challengers. Several members of the clan died at Vlad's hands, including a Dăneşti prince suspected to have taken part in his brother Mircea's murder. Vlad condemned him to death and forced him to read his own eulogy while kneeling before his open grave. He was also said to have ordered thousands of the prince's citizens, who had sheltered his rival, impaled.

War with the Ottoman

Vlad allied himself with Matthias Corvinus, Hunyadi's son who had risen to be King of Hungary, and in 1459, Vlad refused to pay tribute to the Ottomans. Subsequently, the Ottomans attempted to remove him but failed and in the winter of 1461/1462 Vlad crossed the Danube and devastated the area between Serbia and the Black Sea. Vlad described his campaign: "I have killed men and women, old and young... 23,884 Turks and Bulgarians without counting those whom we burned alive in their homes or whose heads were not chopped off by our soldiers..."

In response to this, Sultan Mehmed II raised an army of around 60,000 troops and 30,000 irregulars and in the spring of 1462 headed towards Wallachia. Mehmed was greeted by a forest of stakes on which Vlad had impaled 20,000 Turkish prisoners. Commanding between 20,000 and 40,000 men, Vlad was unable to stop the Ottomans from entering Wallachia and occupying the capital Târgovişte on 4 June 1462. Subsequently, he resorted to guerrilla warfare, constantly organizing small attacks and ambushes on the Turks. The most famous of these attacks occurred on June 16/17, when during the night Vlad and some of his men (wearing Ottoman disguises) entered the main Turkish camp and attempted to assassinate Mehmed.

Unable to subdue Vlad, the Ottomans left the country and left Vlad's half-brother, Radu the Handsome, in charge of the warfare. Radu won over the nobility, which had been alienated by Vlad, and in August 1462, also managed to strike a deal with Matthias Corvinus, who imprisoned Vlad, leaving Radu ruler of Wallachia.

(Radu eventually died from a Disease that amde him rot while he was still alive, it was believed he got this disease from Mehmet)

First marriage

During this conflict, Vlad's first wife met her death. Vlad had married a Transylvanian noblewoman, who bore him at least one son, Mihnea cel Rău, who would later rule Wallachia 1508 to 1510.

Vlad's first wife died during the siege of Poienari Castle, which was surrounded by the Ottoman army led by Radu. An archer having seen the shadow of Vlad's wife behind a window, shot an arrow through the window into Vlad's main quarters, with a message warning him that Radu's army was approaching. McNally and Florescu explain that the archer was one of Vlad's former servants who sent the warning out of loyalty, despite having converted to Islam to escape enslavement by the Turks. Upon reading the message, Vlad's wife threw herself from the tower into a tributary of the Argeş River flowing below the castle. According to legend, she remarked that she "would rather have her body rot and be eaten by the fish of the Argeş than be led into captivity by the Turks". Today, the tributary is called Râul Doamnei (the "Lady's River", also called the Princess's River).

Captivity in Hungary

The exact length of Vlad's period of captivity is open to some debate, though indications are that it was from 1462 until 1474. Diplomatic correspondence from Buda seems to indicate that the period of Vlad's effective confinement was relatively short. Radu's openly pro-Ottoman policy as voivod probably contributed to Vlad's rehabilitation. During his captivity, Vlad also converted to Catholicism, in contrast to his brother who converted to Islam.

Second marriage

]Gradually winning back King Matthias's favour, he married Ilona Szilágyi, a cousin of the king, and in the years before his final release in 1474, lived with her in a house in the Hungarian capital.

Around 1465, Ilona bore him two sons: the elder, Vlad IV Dracula, who spend most of his time in king Matthias' retinue and later was an unsuccessful claimant to the Wallachian throne. The younger, whose name is unknown, lived with the Bishop of Oradea in Transylvania until 1482, when he fell ill. He returned to Buda, where he died in his mother's presence. The descendants of Vlad and Ilona married into Hungarian nobility.

Third reign and (apparent death) death

After his release in 1474, Vlad began preparations for the reconquest of Wallachia and in 1476, with Hungarian support, invaded the country. He was killed in battle against the Ottomans near Bucharest in 1476. The Turks decapitated his corpse and sent the head to Constantinople, where the Sultan had it displayed on a stake as proof that the Impaler was finally dead. He was reportedly buried at Snagov, an island monastery located near Bucharest.

Hollow Life

Vlad soon after became a Plus soul, he meet Shinigami but they refused to send him to the Soul society, they said it was payment for his sins, even though he did what he did for his people, for all Christianity, he was marked as a Monster even after death and so that is what he became a Monster.

He became bitter and cursed the world, everyone had damned him ,even after death, now all he wanted was to gain power. To become strong enough to defeat his enemies and all who stood in his way. He became a Hollow after his Soul Chain corroded and fell off. He was large bat-like demon, with multiple sets of black wings, and gigantic fangs. A creature out of nightmares, and he loved it.

He hunted at night attacking his enemies in life and in death, no one was safe after his transformation. He devoured soul after soul after soul becoming stronger and stronger, but the more he ate the more he wanted Gluttony took over.

He went to Hueco Mundo where he became a Menos Grande and eventually became an Adjuches class Hollow. He regained his memories and intelligence. He wandered through Heuco Mundo killing any creature that was worth killing. Along his travels he heard of Hollows who had gained new found power and wanted to do so himself.

He ripped off his mask and gained Shinigami powers and his Humanoid form. His Hollows powers where sealed in his Zanpaktou and he was off to Las Noches where he began and continues his rise to power.

Innate Ability: I will do it later...

Picture of Character: [spoiler]Vlad III Dracula "Tepes" Draculesti Vergil3cg5rw3[spoiler]

Sample Chapter: This is from BD where I was the 4th Espada.

Vlad Dracula a.k.a the Impaler of Las Noches was walking about in his Kingdom, alone. The vampiric Devil was bored out of his wits with the absolute boredom of doing nothing special besides existing. The lively undead Quarta Espada was indulging himself drinking a red liquid, the liquid of life: Blood. It sustained him and gave him power though in a different way then depicted in the Bram Strykor myth, although quite close in theory.

The Impaler Prince sipped his drink again and again, his bones were tired from under-use and he was itching for a fight or maybe the company of Arrancar Girl or any girl for that manor. They both kept his mind active and the blood in his veins pumping and moving, though the latter had less risks then the one before. He wasn't too scared of death but he wasn't going to jump into its arms for stupidity.

A hawker by heart he needed to hunt. Hunt. HUNT! the emotion was nagging at him to go and kill something, not something weak, meek, and not worth killing but something powerful a real prey that could fight back. He huffed as he took another sip and then threw the glass at a near by wall, the blood stained th wall and dripped down slowly. Soon an Arrancar of his countless Fraccion would come and clean it up, it was only a matter of time.

As expected a young Arrancar girl came in and began to clean it up, Vlad could sense that she was scared of him, the Devil's Son. She looked no older then sixteen and she haid black hair, brown skin, and purple eyes. Pretty thing, she was thought Dracula former Voivode of Wallachia. He watched her as she bent over and began to clean up the glass that was scattered on the floor of his dwellings. The creature of the night got a thrill from watching her and got an idea.

Time to have some fun. thought Dracula.

One peice of glass was further then the rest and as she reached for it, Vlad used his speed which could only be described as Godly to appear before her with the Glass at his feet. She was surprised and she began to sweat with fear, she reached for the Glass and it cut her finger, blood soon collected at the wound. Bloodlust was expected as it was one of those uncontrollable things associated with Dracula. She was now truly scared.

Vlad watched her with his red vampire eyes and smilied, as he helped her up. He looked at the wound and then he took out a cloth which he wrapped around her small little cut. Vlad was taller then her, and towered over her. He smilied showing his vampire teeth.

"My dear you should be more careful..." he said using hi speed to appear behind her, he then continued to speak into her left ear "...if too much of that precious blood of yours drips out..." Vlad then used his speed and brought her to the wall. No exit for her. " may die." Vlad brought his head down to her chest and listened to her heart beat. Thu-thump,thu-thump it went. He then grabbed her chin playfully and gently "Next time use a broom..." Vlad released her. She was lucky. Not all girls that enter Dracula's Playhouse live to tell about it.
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PostSubject: Re: Vlad III Dracula "Tepes" Draculesti   Vlad III Dracula "Tepes" Draculesti I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 06, 2010 6:36 pm

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