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 Saruno Kazura (Complete)

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PostSubject: Saruno Kazura (Complete)   Saruno Kazura (Complete) I_icon_minitimeSat May 30, 2009 6:33 pm

Name: Saruno Kazura

Life: 23
Hollow: 723

Rank: Espada(4th Position)[If Open]

Gender : Male

Appearance: Saruno Kazura (Complete) Commis11

- His hair is a very odd thing, it changes color as he changes moods.
-Pain: A slightly grey color with a redish blend mixed within it. . .
-Happy: Black white white blended within it. (Most likely won't see him in)
-Content: Grey with blackish color mixed within it. (Most of the time)
-Sorrow: Grey with greenish color mixed into it. (Casually seen in. . .)

Hollow Hole: Saruno's Hollow hole is located on the upper right corner or his Torso.
Part of Mask: Located on the Left shoulder, in spike formation. (Located on Picture of Saruno)


Saruno should be best described as the quiet type. Saruno never shows emotion unless the situation demands it. Under normal times and situations Saruno will have the same bored expression pastered upon his face. Most of the time Saruno wont speak alot. Not much of a talker Saruno will stay to his own thoughts and dreams. On the rare occasion Saruno engages into a long conversation, this is more than smalltalk, Saruno will only do so because of something that intrests him greatly. Saruno dosent like to be rushed. Most of the time Saruno will take his time in doing things, so engrossed in his thoughts Saruno wont do things at a faster rate than he needs to. During battle Saruno regards his enemies with the same expression and attitude he gives his comrades: complete boredom and contempt. Battle is the only time Saruno will do things at a higher speed rate. Saruno enjoys a good battle, but a long carried on one bores him very easily and as such he will want to end it soon. A bad trait in which he recived from his father is the long fuse of temper. It takes alot of things and happenings to make Ieyasu angry. Annoyed, irritated, Saruno will become but rarely will he become fully pissed off. On the occasion he is angry people should steer clear as his anger is built up from many previous times. Because of his building of anger, Saruno will take most insults and put downs from anyone. He will simply shurg them off in the beginning, but once the anger is built up too much he will blow. And that's when people's ear drums are split. Ieyasu regards people of lower rank with contempt and even people with higher rank. He dosent care of rank but more strength to back up the mere title. When it comes to killing Saruno has no trouble in doing so. In his eyes killing is something that just happens and it is surly inevitable. In the case of love Saruno has absoulte no care for it. Love is merely a feeling of over happniess that is no more than a lie.

History: Saruno Kazura was a child prodigy. At and early age he showed great signs of being a genisus. His overall intelligence was way beyond what it should have been. Born into a family that strived from excellence this only pushed him to be great. At the age ten Saruno was graduating High School, top in class. (not to mention youngest) After this he enrolled into college. Saruno spent years in college majoring for everything he wanted to do. Around the age of 16 Saruno had three majors and four minors in many different parts of field. He certainly was a genisus; a brilliant mind if there ever was one. The Kazura family lived in a large house, as his mother and father were both doctors, across the street from a local church. The church itself was huge beyond comparison out soring any house nearby. One cold fall evieing Saruno was walking home from college. Because the campus was at the east part of town Saruno had to walk infront on the Church and across the street to reach his house. This little journey was what proved to be fatal. For the Chruch, as monsterous as it was, was also very old. Made of aged weakend wood it wasnt safe. Thus the city ordered it to be fixed for the public's safty. This happened realitvely quick and the Chruch was about finished. Except for the bell tower, which had yet to be completed. On this paticular walk home Saruno took his time. For he was in no rush and lazyly walked infront of the church. At that exact second the aged wood decided to break. And the bell tower broke sending the Large four hundred pound bell to falling to the ground. Saruno was fortunet enough to not be hit by it. (as it missed him by a good few feet) But the sound when it hit was what got him. The tons and tons of vibrations caused by the bells ringing sound poured into Saruno's head like a sledgehammer. Thus breaking both of his eardrums and severaly harming his nervous system. Saruno collapsed onto the ground; the pure shock of the tremendous pain was unlike anything he had everyfelt. As Ieyasu layed there he felt the blood pour out of his ears. And, sadly, it wouldnt stop. On that cold fall evening Saruno Kazura died from blood loss.

Saruno was now a spirit. Life as a spirit was extremely boring and very teidous. Saruno spent most of his time wondering around the church that had taken his life from him. Of course he knew it wasnt the Church's fault that he had died, it was the toil of time the bell tower had taken. And Saruno knew this, so he didn't haunt anyone or do anything that was evil or bad. He was just there. The time passed. Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. He just stayed in the bell tower in the building and watched the world of the living from afar. During his time as a spirit Saruno didn't have many friends or people he could call friends. He of course saw and came to meet other spirits but they all disapperaed after a while never staying longer than a few days. Of those spirits, the majority of them seemed to "see the light" and eventually just disapperaed. Saruno wondered what had happened to them so quickly, and why it didnt happen to him. Was he not allowed to pass on? Did he do somthing wrong? He didn't know, nor did he press it. Simply and surely he just let himself sink deeper into sadness and despair. Eventually the sadness of not being able to move on, nor of having friends hurt him. And it started to get worse and worse. Saruno wasnt passing on as others before, this made him sad but inriched with anger. The sadness, sorrow, and Pain increased more and more until he couldnt deal with it anymore. Soon he started to venture out past the church tower in which he had to live. And when he had, the things he saw disturbed him. The world was different than he remembered, people were odd and just way to indifferent for him. And then, without warning, it happened. On one of his trips into the town past his church he was attacked. A large black being unlike anything he had ever seen apperaed to him. It had a large mouth of white teeth and grinned at him with menace. And when it spoke to Saruno, the speech was all about how tasty he looked. How wonderfully good tasting he would be. And then it attacked. Saruno tried to fight it, but what could a spirit do? Nothing was the answer.

Three days was what it took. Three days of running and trying to fight the creature. And that's when it started to happen. Saruno was changing. A large hole had appearedd on his hands. And to his horror he came to realize that it looked very much like the hole of the creature that was coming after him. And this was not the only change. His thoughts, his words his appearance began to alter. Over the next week Saruno was becoming more and more like the creature that had chased him. And after a single week Saruno, was now the creature. He was, as he came to realize, a Hollow. Being a hollow wasn't as bad as he had thought during the transformation process. It was actually very pleasing. He looked different, was stronger faster and much more powerfull. The only thing that was odd however, was the fact that he was hungry. All the time, hunger clawed at him like a nasty fit of seduction. This hunger could only be halted with the feeding of human souls. What he, Saruno, once was. And so it happened, he ate and ate. Saruno spent most of the time eating and chasing after human souls. But eventually he came to realize that eating human souls was not enough. It was never enough. And soon, his hunger called to him so strong that it was unbareable to have to deal with it. He ate countless souls but that never was enough. And so, with this renew hunger Saruno went to feed onto something else. And this food, was better. He started to eat his own kind. Other "hollows" as they dubbed themselves. They were much more filling than the normal human soul. And when he ate them, he found his power started to move up. So with this new food source, the hollow Saruno started to feed more and more.

Being a Hollow who fed on nothing but other Hollows soon proved to be better than he could have expected. How he passed the time was eating. How he enjoyed himself, had fun? Eating other hollows. And with the eating, came power. The more he ate, the more he started to get more powerfull. As he ate other Hollow's the substance and being of those hollows started to merge into him. Ontop of eating them, he also ate a 'healthy' amount of human souls when he was bored. The eating continued and continued, soon Saruno found he was getting larger and more powerfull. Soon he was quite a force to be reconed with. After a few years of eating, Saruno found himself to be a Menos. A stronger class of Hollow, one that was well beyond normal. Because of the hundreds of Hollows and souls within him from eating he was now at quite a powerfull level of Menos. He was now classified with the leval of Adjuchas. The time passed as a Adjuchas, and it wasnt without it's sweets and pleasures. Saruno was now so much stronger than anyone he was around. His skills and strength were on par with only few. He contiuned to eat of course, as his hunger would not cease and for the greatest time he continued as before. Eat, then eat some more. Then it happened. As sudden as his death was the new level on him. One day, a mysterious person appeared infront of him. Unamed they were hollow from what he could tell. But they bore the markings and looks of a Shinigami. Confusion erupted within him. After speaking, and almost getting killed during a battle, with the person Saruno decided he wanted to be like this person. And so, he was told how to do so. For one to become an Arrancar, as the man was called, one had to remove their mask. And so without waiting a second Saruno did this. The pain was great, powerfull and unexpected. No longer was he a Hollow, yet a new odd form of it. His mask had been taken off and his power was now sealed within his own blade. So dubbed, a zanpaktou. The being, Hollow and man, who had shown him the way of becoming an Arrancar told him something. His power was needed, wanted, in other places. No longer would he have no meaning in life. And so, curiosity getting the better of him Saruno went with the man. He soon found himself under the ranks of a powerfull soul reaper. Loyalty was great between him and this person and because of his skill, Saruno was now called an Espada.

Innate Ability: Saruno is allowed to force Spiritual Pressure to an almost invisible barrier around him. From this barrier Saruno can pull or push forward or backwards anything within twenty feet of him or anything he is touching. This is caused by building up his spiritual pressure and focusing it equally throughout his body. This effect can pull and repel things within a weight range of 0grams to 199lbs, anything lower or greater than that feel nothing. Any exceptions to this technique would be: Speeds beyond Mach 6, A constant binding to the ground. (**Note** This can only be used within a five second period and no more than four times per post) (***NOTE*** Saruno must roleplay these Seconds by doing something of motion for each second, Ex: After repelling the daggers Saruno 'Shunpo's to the other side of his opponent. "One second, Just a few more.". Saruno sends a strong jab to the left side of his opponent, not watching to see if it landed Saruno sends a sweeping kick to his opponents side. "2 seconds, . . ."[This is not how I will roleplay just an example]) (****Note**** Saruno cannot just stand around for five seconds, he must BE in constant motion before using)

RP sample: The chill of the air nipped away through Saruno's clothing as he gazed out across the boundless desert and glared at the false moon and sky that had been erected there. Such a disgrace to the real deal, but he kept such comments to himself within the confines of his mind. He reached instinctively for a bottle, only to grip the sands, growling about the lack of alcohol in this desert land. He would have to ask about its absence later, for now he was on guard duty in the sands.

It wasn't like anybody ever came out into the desert and tried to attack, few could even make their way here, let alone survive long enough to meet up with himself. It would be rather annoying if he was forced to atone for yet another soul he had consumed and destroyed, he would never make up for it all if this continued on at its current rate, Shinigami kept getting in his way. He would need an army to atone for every soul he'd taken, luckily, he was an army. He couldn't even remember when this ludicrous plan was started, and he didn't even know why he followed through with it.

Demons don't get second chances, he was a monster in life and now he as even more of one in his death, and he just had to do something about it. Maybe, just maybe, he could be something better, reincarnate as someone with a better life, one who didn't resort to the bottle and kill. He assumed he devoured his own family while he was out, what kind of creature does that? He had to make up for it, and take as few souls with him as he could.

Saruno sat down, tired of standing, his legs crossing one another as he grabbed a handful of sand and let it sleep between his taloned fingers, the fine, thin hair blocking his view, parted allowing him to watch as the grains slid away and fell to the ground with the rest. Infamy would fade, become a part of the sands as the grains clumped together, but perhaps he could earn something greater. Just then his fingers shuffled slightly, a high spiritual energy made itself known as a Shinigami, it appeared over the horizon and Saruno groaned.

"I am never going to make up at this rate..."

Last edited by Saruno Kazura on Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Saruno Kazura (Complete)   Saruno Kazura (Complete) I_icon_minitimeSun May 31, 2009 12:43 am

^ ^ Bumped
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PostSubject: Re: Saruno Kazura (Complete)   Saruno Kazura (Complete) I_icon_minitimeSun May 31, 2009 1:00 am

You get put into the Arrancar category, Approved^^
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